Newspaper Zaforos Newspaper #1+Interview with RRH


Attack Points​
Defensive points​
Fighting points​
Average player points​
# in top 100 fighters​
City count​
Thank You Mike/Name or Shame​
Red Riding Hood​
To Be Announced​
Sherwood Bandits​
Benidorm/Blow 'n' Go​
Novichok/Happy Hunting​
The Wolves​
Double Trouble​
Top 200​

1) Thank You Mike/Name or Shame- No one is suprised by this, TYM is systematically dominating every opponent they come across in every single ocean. They have essentially conquered O44 with only Double Trouble still holding on there but I don't think they will have any "trouble" (haha get it?) defeating this alliance. They are sitting at nearly 4 million points and double the amount of the second place alliance in battle points as well as a whopping 25 players in the top 100 fighters in both their combined alliances. They are now allegedly allyless and will have to prove in the coming days that they can stand up to the potential coalitions brewing in the oceans below them, a task I would bet they can achieve. Also they have not moved Grandalf up to the main alliance so -1 Waffle points.

TYM)22 Vs Few Steps to Glory)0
TYM)31 Vs Benidorm)0
TYM)10 Vs Double Trouble)0
TYM)17 Vs Novichok)0
TYM)6 Vs White Noise)0
TYM)2 Vs RRH) 1

2) Red Riding Hood- I'll admit it I was wrong about them, the Poles have done very well for themselves in these first few weeks securing roughly 9 core islands. They have a respectable 500k attacking points and they have not to my knowledge pacted with anyone which gives them+1 Waffle points. They have done well for themselves but TYM has recently taken a city on one of their most core islands and I worry that this could snowball into larger issues if it is not quickly dealt with.

Click the spoiler below for an interview with a RRH member.

RRH) 30 Vs Parthian)0
RRH) 17 Vs Sherwood)0
RRH)10 Vs FishHunters0
RRH)7 Vs White Noise)0
RRH)6 Vs Top 200)0
RRH)1 Vs TYM)2
Waffle: Why did the Poles decide to drop into the EN server this world?

lysy1990: We have been playing on Polish servers for several years. We wanted to see how it is played on other servers around the world.

Waffle: The alliance Thank you Mike and their sister alliance Name or Shame have some of the best and long time grepolis players in the EN server, your alliance has not fought them much but what is your strategy as the time approaches to fight them or do you even think you will be able to beat them?

lysy1990: We respect all alliances. I think they are the best in the EN servers. Maybe better then us, but we are here for fun and we will try to show our skills. It will be a good war. We will stay strong and together, like always.

Waffle: What inspired the name Red Riding Hood?

lysy1990: There were some suggestions but our players couldn't decide. One of our players was sitting on their computer and there was an advertisement on TV, something about the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". This is the secret of the alliance name.

3) To Be Announced- Remnants of the Unsullied have banded together and poached a few players in various alliances to make TBA. They have a relatively solid foothold in O55 and seem to be pacted with The Wolves as many of their islands are shared without any cities being taken one way or another. They are doing relatively fine BP wise seeing as they recently restructured but word on the street is they have broken their NAP with TYM and are looking to form alliances elsewhere. I fear hugging may potentially lead to their downfall but I would like to be suprised.

TBA)4 Vs Novichok)3

4) Sherwood Bandits- I won't lie I am thoroughly unimpressed with this alliance, from underwhelming attack and defense points compared to their counterparts Benidorm and Novichok. They seem to have entered a NAP with TYM (although I cannot confirm this) and are suffering in BP because of this. On the other hand this may still be the only reason they are still in the game so maybe I should be praising their genius diplomat. Their core is scattered across two oceans and instead of consolidating in one place they seem to be spreading out even more. If I were them I would bathe in vinegar so it is a little more unpleasant for the other alliances when they inevitably eat you.

Sherwood)0 Vs RRH)17
Sherwood)9 Vs Sapphire Syndicate)0

5) Benidorm/Blow 'n' Go- Benidorm has consolidated in O45 fairly well even with TYM pushing into their northern borders. I find it interesting and slightly disappointing that neither Benidorm nor Novichok has taken a single city from one another. They sport an impressive 304 cities second only to TYM and 1.6 million points. I don't see them going anywhere anytime soon but I also don't see an easy path for them in reaching a top 3 spot.

6) Novichok/Happy Hunting- Boasting the second most fighting points in this world is impressive even if it is mostly defensive, their city losses have been minimal so far. Still hugging more than I would like but they have asserted dominance in the south of O55. They should under no circumstances pact with TBA or The Wolves if they want to have any room for expansion. They have a good position away from TYM and are in a great position to profit off of the wars in the north so long as they don't coalition up with the rest of the world.

Novi)0 Vs TYM)17
Novi)3 Vs TBA)4

p2 below
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7) The Wolves- Located in O45 they have several very experienced players and seem to know what they are doing. However they have the lowest BP score on this list coming in at under 100k. I don't know too much about them but they seem to be made up of entirely unsullied players after unsullied split. They are mainly feeding off of allianceless/dead alliance players so it will be interesting to see what they do when their source of food dries up and they are forced to pick an enemy.

Wolves)20 Vs Happy Hour)0

8) Double Trouble- A relatively new alliance who have set up shop in O44 directly north of TYM which is definitely an interesting choice of location. Decent BP but with the strongest alliance to their south, a lot of newer players, and no real other way to expand in a domination endgame I don't think the future of this alliance is too bright.

Double Trouble)0 Vs TYM)10

9) Top 200- Recently absorbed Team RHS and are setting up a core in the North-West corner of O55. Second to last in BP beating only The Wolves. Will probably be a thorn in Sherwood Bandits side or maybe just food for them but I don't see them being real contenders for any top 5 spot unless everyone else decides to ghost.

Top 200)0 Vs RRH)6

Thank you for reading I hope you especially enjoyed the interview with the Poles, had to split it into 2 parts because of character limit.


(P.S. SAHL is my dad)
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Also they have not moved Grandalf up to the main alliance so -1 Waffle points.
Gandalf is a guy with the most gold in entire EN server but at the same time the worst golder in history of EN.. maybe ever.. so + 5 Bacon points.
Chribisibi > Gandalf these days.


What was that about?

I think most of my alliance were just erm....

Maybe been some homage to Homer in rant rather than prose...

Can someone explain?

ErikWijmeersch today at 13:01
To everyone from this server, world 158.

When you think it can't go any deeper, you suddenly enter a new world and go one floor lower, not the basement but the cave below where dead mafioso are buried.

I understand better than anyone that collations are being built, but what is happening here is a new standard, a standard that every fighter should be ashamed of and every simmer proud.

It reminds me of Sinope where I had 1 team, because my enemy formed a coalition of 3 teams, I made 1 extra, 2 against 3.

That's why my enemy made a 4th and I made a third to end up with 15 vs 14, I was at the command of 1500 players and so were my enemies.

Who blamed the NOOBS , yes me darth vader, because the noobs thought it was unfair that I did not allow myself to be slaughtered.

In Golgi I had a double pre-made, and fought against legendary players, who of course also formed alliances, but still had the self-respect not to beg teams from the top 20 and top 30 for help.

Ultimately, my enemy also lost self-respect there by using a dirty Inno moderator doing a weekly ops and mad ban that OPS target for no reason.

Ultimately, I ordered the team in response to ghost and leave over 1800 ghost towns for the noobs.

But that corrupt moderator thing was the action of just 1 player.

But this server has won the new gold standard of cowardice and it is created by Criki the Irishman.

Everyone knows "the luck of the Irish" but Criki and grepolis, for some reason unknow by me , this noob's luck will never be on his side in this game.

It's to my surprise to see Criki and his coalition even throw grandmas, blind, disabled and orphans in battle! This goes against the Geneva Convention I believe LMAO.

Read his profile carefully, if you hate so much and focus on someone else you will quickly lose your own team and your important points of attention.

Also a gold medal of cowardice to the Corporal.

For months he sent me love messages about how much he wanted to play with me and then we eventually started a co-foundership together in world 156.

There were also two giants and those two giants had a partnership, so we went with number 3, because we were only ranked number 4.

Because that Giant number two team thought they were smart, they asked me to attack there partner other giant the big 1, the largest.

The result was swift, powerful, both giants were slaughtered in just over 48 hours.

because of that I saw my co-founder Corporal leave, first it was because he lost his phone, after he kind admitted because the world was pure boredom.

Only real men say from the first moment the truth and do not hide behind lies.

He was suddenly MIA, let his tea down and let his cities revolted by the red enemy.

Now I meet the noob here, First I thought, I'm glad I can play with an old friend, he just had to rejoin me from the other camp.

He says he doesn't want to lose all the cities by joining us, I told him he would only have to give up 1 town according refugee status.

Still he choose to stand and play with that Irish brave men.

So now I see a man leaves a server out of boredom to com einto this world to play in a coalition full of noobs and cowards, so much about boredom , so much the begging and dream , "I want to play by your side ".

Overhere I accidentally sent 440 birs into an enemy city and what does my old co-founder do, send out a LS nuke.

He says he's not confusing servers, we can be besties but here we fight.

After 10 years of playing I can tell you one thing, I have never made such a cowardly attack on an old co-founder, self-respecting unwritten laws, you know?

It not even my style eating the enemy defense after I take a city let alone doing what he did LMAO.

But it doesn't surprise me , the kind of cowardice on this server is so enormous that it makes me feel very dirty, but I can shower later, his stench is forever.

Bon, AH from Germany was also a Corporal, we know what happened to that madman..

To end with the group from Poland.

What a contrast to my hero, big Jan at the siege of Vienna.

Fighting fearlessly against a bigger enemy only to see overhere that his countrymen cowardly joining Criki and his 15 teams of 400 against us!

Is this what has come of Polish fighters?

My opinion about Poland is completely ruined.

Finally, to so many who are part of that great cowardice, players who once played under my wing, even some legends whose names I will not write down, understand one thing, my opinion and thought of your greatness is disappearing little by little every day.

I don't think it's cool to see so many super fighters who I had the highest respect are hiding overhere in a forest full of noobs, fighting me is cool but dont be a part of Criki Group hysteria and that Polish "bravery" you are better than this, my old fighers should not be in a group of 400 men!

To end I salute


What was that about?

I think most of my alliance were just erm....

Maybe been some homage to Homer in rant rather than prose...

Can someone explain?
Short explanation, he write that because he found a guy having 45k dlu and 100 dogs in that guy city(city owner is reds for erik).
still, I must give respect because first time I see someone write this much in grepo MM(Mass Message) (outside top 8, 12, etc)


Short explanation, he write that because he found a guy having 45k dlu and 100 dogs in that guy city(city owner is reds for erik).
still, I must give respect because first time I see someone write this much in grepo MM(Mass Message) (outside top 8, 12, etc)

Throughout the ENTIRE history of the human race smaller groups of people & enemies band together to fight an overwhelming superior force. So when this overwhelming superior force attacks everything in sight what do they expect to happen? Methinks Whojamawotsit may need some history lessons :)

P.s. I'm not part of this coalition at the moment but can see & understand why they form.

Also it's so hypocritical of TYM... Their (technically a coalition) 2 Alliances & Allies have been attacking our 20 man Alliance all game lmao


Superstars just want noobs as scenery in their ego trip, always the same whining when the peasant organize and offer resistance:)

its kind of funny to see a revolt premade with more less highest number of golders all neatly packed into 1 team, massively ahead of the competition while having 2nd wing and at the same time complaining about enemies banding up against them as they are obviously in the lead and should be everyones focus either way... this right here is probably one of the main reasons why EN revolt has been trash for the past 2-4 years.. literally same crap every fast world, all golders band into 1 premade to boost their ego by crushing noobs and whoever is left behind.


1) Thank You Mike/Name or Shame- No one is suprised by this, TYM is systematically dominating every opponent they come across in every single ocean. They have essentially conquered O44 with only Double Trouble still holding on there but I don't think they will have any "trouble" (haha get it?) defeating this alliance. They are sitting at nearly 4 million points and double the amount of the second place alliance in battle points as well as a whopping 25 players in the top 100 fighters in both their combined alliances. They are now allegedly allyless and will have to prove in the coming days that they can stand up to the potential coalitions brewing in the oceans below them, a task I would bet they can achieve. Also they have not moved Grandalf up to the main alliance so -1 Waffle points.

its kind of funny to see a revolt premade with more less highest number of golders all neatly packed into 1 team, massively ahead of the competition while having 2nd wing and at the same time complaining about enemies banding up against them as they are obviously in the lead and should be everyones focus either way... this right here is probably one of the main reasons why EN revolt has been trash for the past 2-4 years.. literally same crap every fast world, all golders band into 1 premade to boost their ego by crushing noobs and whoever is left behind.
it easy to dominate when you stack the deck in your favour before the game starts and pay to win
but of course that is not easy enough for them so they send old friends inside enemy to feed info or hand cities when the time comes
better not to take any chances right ?
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Erik, I just read that manifesto and I guess you forgot about Emporion where you formed and lead a coalition of the entire server against one team, my team, The Syndicate. Don't make me get Mungus on

Tommy Shelby

Erik, I just read that manifesto and I guess you forgot about Emporion where you formed and lead a coalition of the entire server against one team, my team, The Syndicate. Don't make me get Mungus on
playing again ares? :) (we played together in Ray's alliance)


playing again ares? :) (we played together in Ray's alliance)
No, I was just gold hunting in this world in case I get the itch to seriously play again in the future but watching this server makes me think the game has passed me by....the servers now barely expand past the core oceans and it appears that only two teams vie for dominance now whereas in the past any one of ten teams could come out on top. Events once a month and players having 30 cities after a week seems more like a second job than a fun escape.

I do remember you though Tommy, good to see you and hope all is well.


Erik, I just read that manifesto and I guess you forgot about Emporion where you formed and lead a coalition of the entire server against one team, my team, The Syndicate. Don't make me get Mungus on
Why would he even mention a trash speed 1 world.. granted he failed fabulously at it but at least he tried to come and compete on that world, while your team never had the balls to move on to speed 3 or 4 revolt worlds where real competition was.. not even at your prime..


I have been on VM since before Chrimbo, have I missed much?

I was due to come back days ago, but I slipped on the stairs over the New Year & broke my arm in 2 places and fractured my ankle. Can only use 1 hand at the mo so have not come back.

Hope you are all well & had a nice Chrimbo & New Year :)


It is allways nice to read is viser than other and some still not back in ground,flying in atmosphere with full of damn .
i am not as much crybabe but in my time here in grepolis build ready 20+ cityes in protection time??? it was surprize to me as well.
bad is, that same names dont get bored to stay and play in safe alliances7coalitions , go try and be out of comftable area and play with newbies,new alliances,i quarantee you have much more to do than just joke in discord and get alarm 2 a week.