Guess Who?


Guess Who?

This is an alliance for those who like to attack, and realize this is a war game. We don't want any dead weight. Only active,aggressive players are welcome here. If you are here to play to win, and are willing to work in cooperation with the alliance then this might be the right place for you. We aren't here to play a sim city game or play nice with everybody. If you are not on our side then you are food. We will come, and put you on the rim. So while you have your city however short of a time that may be please build it up nice for us.

Contact me, R0fL PwN3d, for recruitment. Diplomacy is not ever going to happen. EVER!

thanks Domino Effect :p
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I don't like War Mongers.

This is a war game, but still those war mongers ruin the game.

So people who said what you just said are usually war mongers. D:


I don't like War Mongers.

This is a war game, but still those war mongers ruin the game.

So people who said what you just said are usually war mongers. D:
War mongers dont ruin the game, they make it fun! :p


thnx m8 and am looking forward to that offer you gave me just a waiting now will PM you if it happens though.