Petition to Stop "Warfare Packages" from coming into the game


my post edited because they dont like the post that said; it cost to much money for 5 yr Birthday Celebrations in HYPERBOREA..

dadofwildthang 2014-10-03 22:53:05
Plse pass this on to the folks who run and implemented the "Persian Conquest" .
I am the founder and leader of the Masters of Mayhem, the #1 Alliance in Hyperborea. Your decision not to include this world in the "Persian Conquest" will most likely be the final nail in the coffin wrt keeping this world alive. The general feeling in our Alliance is ( We can pay the same gold as everyone else but we dont get the same perks as everyone else. They want to take our money and run).
I personally will play till my gold runs out and then most likely quit Inno games altogether. To charge "Hyperborea" the same gold as everyone else and provide only partial service is unfair and I feel as if I am being taken advantage. Once that feeling spreads among players that your games are 1 tiered among the paying players then you will have a serious credibility problem.

I hope there is something in the works to provide a similar prize package as being offered in the rest of the worlds

Thanks for your time

Baudin 2014-10-04 03:59:10
Hello dadofwildthang,

The Persian Conquest is an event based on the ability to Conquer these super cities in each ocean and as Hyperborea does not allow for conquest the world will clearly not receive the event. Players who joined Hyperborea signed up for a world with 0 Conquests.


Co-Community Manager
dadofwildthang 2014-10-04 04:12:45
this does not answer my question as to why the folks in this world dont have something for them or is a 2 tier pay system..the ignoring of this worlds paying customers and not providing some other form of task/reward program , in lieu of, will have a negative impact. folks feel as if they are getting less than other worlds
Baudin 2014-10-04 04:53:04
Making an event of this scale takes a massive amount of time and resources and that is off set by the money made as the 1 event can be rolled out on every world of the same type. Hyperborea is a single world and creating a similarly scled event is not possible as it would not make anywhere near enough money to cover the costs spent making it.


Co-Community Manager
dadofwildthang 2014-10-06 22:49:22
So The fact I purchase Gold does not entitle me to the same Prizes or a similar contest as the conquest worlds. The fact that there are 2 levels of treatment for those that use Gold. I have never seen any where a disclaimer that states None Conquest worlds will not receive the same levels of treatment as any other world. That this is being done to people who use and play with Gold this is a slap in the face.
Thank You for Clarifying Innos Position WRT the players of their Games..."Making an event of this scale takes a massive amount of time and resources and that is off set by the money made as the 1 event can be rolled out on every world of the same type. Hyperborea is a single world and creating a similarly scled event is not possible as it would not make anywhere near enough money to cover the costs spent making it."

I read this response to say that the Players of Innogames are to regarded as Cash Cows and not deserving of equal treatment. So having had pointed out to me so clearly what I am (CASH COW) I will ask you this question What are you doing for me to provide equal value for my money that I spend on Gold? Where is my EQUALl VALUE for my mone.
Baudin 2014-10-08 05:03:49
The players are not cash cows but the event was not rolled out in an alternative reason for the same reason we can't keep worlds open forever. It was not a monetarily sound decision. We've passed your feedback up to the devs so they are aware of the opinions of the players on peace worlds now.


Co-Community Manager
dadofwildthang 2014-10-08 06:10:06
Thank you for the response. Please pass on 2 the developers, watch the amount of GOLD being spent in Hyperborea from this point on. My Bet is it take a dramatic drop.
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Count me in as well.
When Grep did their 5 year birthday, EN45 Hyperborea got nothing. the reply I got was It cost to much to program for our world..but they took my Gold real fast like any other world..
Tired of the idea that they have a new way to skin a Cat, this old Tom got nothing left to skin...
time to see if we have a voice speaking out loud or is the Voice LOUDER when we LEAVE enmass

remember the 2.0 change. people already had a exodus. See they think this game is dead. There just trying to squeeze out as much money as they can


add me here . its almost 4 years for me playing grepolis was and I see it being sabotaged and ruined day by day .


Add me to this. Rhammus will be my last world. I had my fun winning a world and in newer worlds I would not try to win and just have fun attacking everything. However this cash grab by Inno has turned me off of this game. Time to find some thing else to do with my time.


Consider me in on this one.

I understand they have to make money to keep this going but when a game is tilted so far in the direction of money over ability it becomes untenable and I for one would be leaving.


Sign me up
I use a little Gold for captain and occasionally some of the other advisors
This is just ridiculous though


Count me too.
I use gold for premium features only and Inno are getting quite some money from that only. Lets say the usual active player pays around 15euro per month. That from all servers combinet makes around 150-200k per month income which must be enough for all the developers. Having in mind thay use mods for free and don't pay for anything apart from domains and licenses and the general company taxes that is a nice income for them. They are tryin to convert this game into a gold factory which I can understand as thay have the right to but they will loose players on a general basis that way.
The only reason this perfect game is having players still is that there is no such game around. They are monopolists and use that into their advantage which can't be judjed too, but in the moment there is another similar game out there they will loose members faster than ever and will have noone in an year. Imagine that 100 gold users donate their gold into a new game project...just a thougth - Inno have to pay more attention to the community that is generating their income.
I see thousands of pleas from players that are answered with at best - I`ll put this on my list and no action taken.
They dont give a about what players want - they just need the gold.