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  1. Darth Legacy

    Such a Shame.....

    Ik snoozy king aint talking **** rn lmao
  2. Darth Legacy

    Such a Shame.....

    Good thing you dont have access to the email on this account so you dont ghost.
  3. Darth Legacy


    Same here, wish you the best man. Kill em in the new server =)
  4. Darth Legacy


    I think distrust was brewing as a result of the whole Achilles situation which caused them to take that approach. This is all assumptions btw. But when someone conveys distrust it’s hard to have a conversation on equal footing as the consequences of such a conversation could be dire. Letting...
  5. Darth Legacy


    I agree 15-20 others did sim. But they simmed after doing something for the alliance KLEOS. They did something for the alliance that ensured our success. Name any simmer and I will tell you why council thought he/she deserved a crown despite simming in the end. I mentioned it in MM countless...
  6. Darth Legacy


    Congratulations to Kleos. Playing victim is easy, ownership and taking responsibility for your actions is tough. Reimu, I must say you were a solid enemy in the beginning of the server. You were the only bunny to keep up aggression against us despite the countless snipes and no results. I...
  7. Darth Legacy

    Valid Islands

    I love master spy he is a master gas lighter. I'm a fan. As an aspiring gas lighter myself I support this behavior. You mentioned it was "one sided" literally 3 replies above. If that isn't throwing shade at one alliance then idk what it is...
  8. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    DOMINATION Legija stranaca E.R. Corp Rabbits of Caerbannog Black Dawn Embers and Ashes Strings of Pericles Polemarchs of Pericles Rising Tide The Original Ones I&II Oceans Veterans BLACK SAILS WAL BLACK SAILS TOON BLACK SAILS XIII
  9. Darth Legacy

    Valid Islands

    Mr. Mod I am surprised you haven't met Masterspy. He likes to stir the pot with baseless accusations and such for the sake of stirring the pot. I've come to dismiss the actual content he writes and just simply enjoy that he enjoys the drama. With time hopefully, you'll come to enjoy it as well.
  10. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    never change haha
  11. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

  12. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    Our lead in grepodata has decreased by 5%. Is that what you are basing your "facts" on? Maybe it is because 25% of WF's cities are in this other alliance we have called Usual Suspects. Idiot istg. Master Spy proving day in and out he is clueless as to what is going on in the server. Absolute...
  13. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    You sure it’s not the weasel
  14. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    Yes, Indeed I am banned. Sorry, sarcasm spills out of my mouth like stupidity yours. The only reason I'm responding to you is because you said pretty please. I kinda also want to feed your unhealthy obsession. Maybe it's the dark side in me haha. Anyways, I am a naturally pleasant person...
  15. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    My momma lied to me and told me the prize was to have fun tho
  16. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    Thought I'd share some of these to put a smile on your faces from our Meme Wednesdays. Maybe not ALL your faces. Everyone except 111 players + Master spy will like these.
  17. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    i ain't reading all that. I'm happy for you. Or sorry that happened.
  18. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    Master spy agreeing with Marto is just another example of dick-riding 101. I think he missed the part of life where he learned to form his own opinion. I have been away for more than a month and nothing has changed. Master spy still preaching to the masses like a false prophet. Often preaching...
  19. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    Keep crying
  20. Darth Legacy

    Top 12 Noob's Top 6

    Master spy please man the fiasco dick riding has to stop. Like be proud of your own accomplishments and parade them… not other peoples. Since we all have no clue who you are on this world, I’m guessing it’s because you don’t want us to know that you don’t “play hard, play fair, or have fun”...