Alliances 13-24


Lyseus from the alliance Evils Sour Apples has conquered the city 52.08 North Carolina belonging to edaken.
today at 13:54

--CHAOS-- from the alliance Evils Sour Apples has conquered the city Yankee belonging to edaken. today at 13:39



u guys caught me offline,, congratulations!!!! took you long enough


Lyseus from the alliance Evils Sour Apples has conquered the city 52.08 North Carolina belonging to edaken.
today at 13:54

--CHAOS-- from the alliance Evils Sour Apples has conquered the city Yankee belonging to edaken. today at 13:39


that proves what kind of losers your bunch is,,, you never see me celebrating the cities i take from your alliance.. and their have been more than those 2 i lost..


so this world barely has a 1000 players, it's gonna fall below 300 in about a month and then down to double digits when new world opens up, but inno still won't raise the cap.


so this world barely has a 1000 players, it's gonna fall below 300 in about a month and then down to double digits when new world opens up, but inno still won't raise the cap.

Is it possible, to raise the cap now?

I don't recall it ever happened in any server, or has it?


Is it possible, to raise the cap now?

I don't recall it ever happened in any server, or has it?

no, this world is screwed either way since new server opens on Monday. I was talking about raising player cap back to gen 1 level for new worlds.


no, this world is screwed either way since new server opens on Monday. I was talking about raising player cap back to gen 1 level for new worlds.

The funny things are that folk always wanted the low ally cap, then when it's enforced we all pact up to make up the numbers. I think a larger cap is better and let individual groups choose how many folk be in alliance so that they feel comfortable.

Monday will be the killer of this server i think also...shame as it had so much potential


I'm not talking about alliance cap, I mean player cap for the world. Right now we have what? 40k ppl join and it's capped, then server quickly dies to about a 1000 players and nobody wants to join already developed world. I wanna play large server with many active oceans and large numbers of players. This is why early worlds were so popular.


What was the cap then? Could they enroll all players who wanted to join? I also think that Grepo in general becoming less popular, these days you can use gold for pretty much everything, plus the app took away a lot of fun.


I wanna play large server with many active oceans and large numbers of players. This is why early worlds were so popular.

This. Note how everyone waxes lyrical about the early servers? (For me was Epsilon). Not only was it, for many of us, our first introduction to the game, but the battles were legendary. You never hear people lamenting the passing of the 2nd Gen servers.

Prefer lower alliance caps myself. The way the servers are now, inactives kill alliances. The bigger the caps, the more chance of inactivity going unchecked - not just people going yellow/red, but simming and not participating.


basically anything new inno comes up with, ruins the game a bit more. to be more specific: server ending, world wonders, new gold spending features such as construction and unit time queue cut in half and events specially grepolympics where once again, gold spenders gain tons of advantages because they spend gold anyway so why not make it more useful for both them and innogames

my first server was delta that i left as soon as xi opened, that was the first server i played from the very beginning to the very end, and the game was more competitive than it is now. simmers were getting demolished by players who actively fought because the farming system was different. it forced you to have units that were collecting resources from those villages that took time and the actual making of units that were collecting them. now you collect resources by a push of a button that is instantaneous making more advantage for a simming player because he can run city festivals at a higher rate that doesn't require units to do so(except for maybe conquering villages, but that doesn't count)

one other reason why servers are getting less popular is because servers get open more often allowing players who think they failed in the server they play, can now join this new server and start everything all over again. this migration of players from one server to the other leaves a huge gap in inactivity in which simmers can gain cities if the alliance that has to eat the inactive doesn't make it in time or has no slots for it

innogames developpers are a group of programmers and businessmen who have to make something new and earn a profit out of it. they are not players who can feel the way we do and even if they were, they wouldn't care about us anyway. human greed on one side destroys human desire to have fun on the other


Storm glad to see another of the old timers out and about. Few of us still around.


spot on storm... i've only been playing this for about a year now, and they've opened 14 more servers already! ( i haven't even checked how many non english servers on top of that ) insane...

and i honestly thought the things like easter egg hunts, grepolympics, halloween specials would be a great way to level some of the playing field between free & gold players, but you have to spend even more gold on those to get anything! merry x-mas, give us another $50 and maybe we'll give you a prize... shameful.


i didn't know their was a player cap on servers. 40k? you figure at least 1/2 of those probably quit before they even make it through the tutorial. i don't know the logic on that if it is the case...