Finally something to do on zeta


paksman is Semper Fi

Who are we coming for? I am lost this is such a long PnP... not bad just long. I must have ADD cuz I am running out of patience... So who wants war?

I don't know why you ask really because you're too far away to make a difference right now..unless you intend to move into an entirely different ocean.

Semper Fi expects to be warring with you guys. With your high bp, paks is intimidated by you and wants to recruit members (some of my better, according to his email), so that they have a chance against you. I expect he intends to push into ocean 54, where many of you are located, judging by emails he's sent to others.

I spoke to some boal and arrogant Spartan guy who told me as well that they and BsP are "ganging up" on your alliance. He was bragging about how BsP revolted a few of your cities. *rolls eyes* But you are already in war with the Spartans and BsP are a ways away from most of you and have their hands full with the Lions. Semper Fi are in ocean 64 and are a bit out of the way unless you intend to move in that direction. And Semper Fi are friendly with Dacia and Dark Templars, ex Ghost Riders. So yeah, the only action paksman sees is his picking off my ex dead weight.


Okay, even I have got bored of it now. zooster the butt kicking is settled - we kick theirs - look at any stat.

I don't seek war with you fellas, jjalsmelton, but how long before NmE look at o64 would you say ? A while, but not forever. The secret and dark templars maybe hold your interest for now - but what after that ? Do you see yourselves popping by for a chat and a cup of tea ? Please don't take anything from aramay's interpretation - it is clearly way below what any self respecting 3rd grader could manage.

I don't suppose Nightmares do much diplomacy, but I thought strength beyond what MRAs offer could be a good and fun thing for me and my friends rather than a bad one anyway. If we do end up fighting, I would like it to be as part of something strong enough to make it to last a little while. Call me stupid if you will. It certainly was stupid of me ever to message that bolt magnet. I can't believe how much foolishness and twisted interpretation can fit inside one tiny mind. Okay, that is a kind of your-mind-is-smaller-than-my-mind thing, but I really don't like her, or how she writes a whole ocean of her own players off.

*sighs* twisted? interpretation? You can't take what you said out of context. There's only ONE way to "interpret" it using the English language kiddo. Blah. I'm not arguing with you about're one of those people whom when you slap proof in their face, you would STILL refuse to believe it just because you like to exercise your right of being a pain in the ***.

And don't think that people can't see past this brown nosing and "scouting". Asking NmE when they'll war with you...trying to fish out info. so that you have a time frame to recruit, no doubt. And asking for it to be long and drawn out..what are you asking? "Please don't slaughter me in one day?" or are you TRYING to sound like you could put up a fight?

You have NO defenses paks. None of you do. Your cities are all offensive units. You'd not last if people actively attacked you. I hope NmE don't come to 64, I would like nothing more than to have my stupid, immature, 3 seconds to say "told you so" after myself and my alliance took all of your cities. Doubt it'll ever come to that though. May not be on this game much longer. Real life has been interfering a lot lately. Anyways, I fully intend to direct all of my NmE friends to this thread to read your post. I think they'll get a kick out of it and "INTERPRET" it in the same manner that I have. :p

P.S. I don't know WHY you continue to refer to me as a "bolt magnet" though its an insult or something LMAO. I don't even have the coward Shogunates bolting me anymore.

And excuse me but it was YOU who told United Limited to get rid of THEIR dead weight remember? How is THAT any different then my booting all my players who refused to help the others with reinforcements or resources and who never got into the fights? What point is there in being in an alliance if all you do is take their protection, good advice, and resources but give nothing in return?

I don't care what you say, I did what I had to. Believe me, it left a very sour taste in my mouth to pull my whole dozen good players out of that ocean and let you keep it but what strategic benefit was there in trying to fight for the ocean when REALLY, I only had 12 people there? It was pointless and stupid.

I don't treat my alliance members badly at all. *yawns* looks like you need new spies in my alliance paksy if they can't tell you that simple truth.

And come on Paksy, my oceans of words are a good hooked-on-phonics substitution. :)
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Oh this is such rubbish - plotting ? I am not plotting with anyone, just trying to think ahead. Proof ? There is no proof of anything interesting except Semper Fi want good players and ONYX ENLIL are rubbish. ONYX conquering us ? ONYX have no prayer without outside help - grepostat the 2 alliances.

I am sorry for wasting people's time with this, but I didn't expect to come across someone so immune to reason and the truth and so in love with their own false words - I thought a bit of fact based PnP would be fun.


Yes please DO check grepostats. We're ranked number 5 in defenses and 12 in total OVER ALL battle points, which MEANS we know how to defend ourselves. You can't judge my alliance on a handful who were out-muscled in your ocean..that's like generalizing and saying all men are boneheads like you but such a generalization simply isnt true. And you had an aweful hard time taking down the 5 people you did..took you how many weeks? So they aren't crap players paksman, they were just outnumbered.

Save your insults..EVERY TIME you say something, I throw it right back in your face and all you can do is call me a bolt magnet or claim they're lies. I hate it when someone is too dense to debate PROPERLY. Why provoke me when you can't keep up? By the way, you have YET to back up ANYTHING that you've said/claimed.


1) You claim I treat my alliance poorly..not true and all my members would agree. You just pulled this out of your *** because I called my non-actives in 64 dead weight.

2) You claim my alliance are leaving in droves b/c I treat them badly. I BOOTED them b/c they were dead weight. You could tell by simply looking at grepostats and seeing that they were mostly booted 3-10 at a time and about 3 seconds apart, with some exceptions.

3) You claim I'm a bolt magnet but I haven't received any bolts at all since UL and Shogunates other than a few random bolts here and there.

4) You claim we're crap players but if you LOOK at the battle points of our players and their rate of growth you'd see we're decent players. If you check the growth and battle points of my ex ocean 64 people that I booted, you'll see no activity...hence dead weight. Are you beginning to understand how much of a moron you are now? No? Then let's continue...

5) You claim that you never gave me a join us or die ultimatum. You said you INTENDED to suck in my good players and kill the dross and others who refused. You DID say that you were willing to not officially war but you still intended to recruit my members, which we consider an act of war, as you very well knew. And you said that you would be cleaning up the dross..the useless and those who wouldn't join you or who weren't worth joining. So that MEANS that if we didn't agree to join you, you'd classify us as dross and attack anyways. That is a join or die ultimatum, genius

6) You claim you kicked our butts..your guys only wiped out our 12 actives and 2 of them hardly fought b/c they were already leaving the ocean on my orders. The rest were dead weight that I hadn't yet booted. So can you claim you "kicked our butts" when we abandoned the cities before you attacked and when 77 people in this alliance haven't once been touched by you? That's a resounding NO

7) You claim that you weren't Plotting against NmE. Listen, you were already talking about how much of a threat NmE are in the United Limited alliance when you were there. (I believe I still have the forum postings my spies sent me, I'll have to check my mail). Then you make comments on the forums trying to sick them after me. And you told other people and myself in emails that you are preparing to gain good players to fight them in case they attacked. So your idea of "thinking ahead" is called plotting. Do you own a dictionary? I'm sure you'll see the correlation between the two words/phrases if you looked. I feel like I'm trying to explain the theory of relativity to a cockroach.

8) You claimed that I was harassing you with mails when in REALITY, you mailed me in response to my mail asking UL to merge (you werent even a RECIPIENT of that mail). I never ONCE initiated contact with you. Why would I? You have nothing of value that I want to hear.

9) You claimed that everyone who goes up against you, dies and insinuated that you were the God of this server via your arrogance and so on. I am, not one attack or bolt from you, and there you are, kissing NmE's butt in your previous posting after I exposed you, whilst still trying to maintain some semblance of pride. That ego of yours will be your downfall, my friend.

10) You claimed I sent meaningless attacks but there was a point to those attacks. I attacked you back when you were still in United Limited. I sent fakes via 7 biremes and some slings in an attempt to distract you so that my guy in 64 that you were revolting could build defenses and stop the colony ship. OTHER players were supposed to attack as well but no one did (again proving that most of my 64 members were crap and dead weight to the alliance).

Anyways, you had other members reinforce you b/c you thought my incoming attack was real, but the guy I was trying to protect failed to even log ON so you took his city anyways and I lost the troops for nothing. So AGAIN your inability to understand the purpose of my actions only means just that..that YOU don't know what I'm doing.

11) You claim I hide behind my alliance. How am I hiding behind my alliance when I'm fighting right beside them and sacrificing my light ships and troops so that they can take more cities? I have over 7K battle points which isn't bad considering my activity level and most of them are offensive battle points. So AGAIN, you're full of crap.

12) And finally, You claim that I'm stupid, illogical, etc etc etc..yet here I AM addressing each of your claims and proving myself correct whereas YOU are doing nothing but throwing out empty insults and fallacies. I have never met anyone who lies as much as you do..not even ex-Shogunate Enclave leader DragonOTM lies as much as you. And that's saying something LMAO.

So NOW can you see your idiocy paks? I think its were "owned" (hate that jargon), in this thread and this argument and all those who have wasted their time reading it are aware of it. So unless you have something truthful and worthwhile to add to this thread, I suggest you keep your distasteful, illogical, and offensive comments and lies to yourself.
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it would be fun if we could nurse an alliance to merge into us :)


War won ?

Latest rumours are that Aramay had her main polis conquered and went inactive. I think it may have been (ex)ONYX members who did it, and no wonder with her communication style - they must have read even more of it than me. How do people like that ever get players to join their alliance in the first place ?

I was worried I might get the urge to respond to 12 points, of which 11 were false (the bireme fake may have served some momentary diversion purpose, but still hard to see it ever needing to be taken seriously from long range with no colony ship to follow). Aramay/ONYX ENLIL total fail.

I have never seen a player in any game be so inactive yet talk so much utter drivel - that is an achievement of sorts, I suppose.


Latest rumours are that Aramay had her main polis conquered and went inactive. I think it may have been (ex)ONYX members who did it, and no wonder with her communication style - they must have read even more of it than me. How do people like that ever get players to join their alliance in the first place ?

I was worried I might get the urge to respond to 12 points, of which 11 were false (the bireme fake may have served some momentary diversion purpose, but still hard to see it ever needing to be taken seriously from long range with no colony ship to follow). Aramay/ONYX ENLIL total fail.

I have never seen a player in any game be so inactive yet talk so much utter drivel - that is an achievement of sorts, I suppose.

I believe To Ya took Ekur after being told to by Aramay so that none of Engels took that city so yeah your first point is wrong.
Im not commenting on the rest its just pointless ;)
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This thread was a bit dull and boring. Even though I was apart of it being in United Limited Onyx Enlil and now Semper Fi. I suppose that it would be more entertaining if I made a successful lie and got in to Aramay's "inner sanctum". Curse my inability to create false proof of my actions. :/