Recent problems and future solutions


Dear Players,

This last week in Grepolis brought quite a few stressful moments both for you and InnoGames.
First due to a coding error we had a problem with atuomatic premium extension for those who accepted the last advent gift.
It was not evident at first that the automatic premium extension and the accepting of the last advent gift is in any way related. Later we managed to pinpoint the cause and thus a script was written to undo the error. All automatic activations were cancelled and the gold compensated.

The second problem surfaced in regards of the attack ban. Due to a disturbance in the communication the feature was not executed in the planned manner. Originally we wanted the old conquer system to have a 24 hour preliminary time, where no colonisation is possible. Regretfully the new conquer system (with the revolt system) was also included and its running conquers thus affected.

The third issue happened in connection with the Newyear's eve attack ban. The leads of Grepolis have previously worked in Die Stämme, where they could change the game configuration without considering other technical aspects of the game. Grepolis on the other hand works in a different manner. We did not understand yet, that changes in Grepolis only take place if deamon is restarted. Due to this the attack ban started later then the designated starting time. We ensured no such mistake happens in the future by the redesign of our tools to avoid the need of deamon restart in executing changes.

After this mistake was corrected, we created a script to check how many players started colonisation process within the originally designed attack ban period. The results showed that too many people are involved, accordingly manual intervention would have been too resource demanding. We decided to release a script to remedy the above situation, which however led to a new error. The script didn't only stop the conquers which started after noon (GMT+1), but all which were already running at that time.

Now we come to the topic of how we can remedy the above issues. First of all, please allow me to apologise in my team's as well as my own name for the mistakes we made. We shall naturally not allow that our players suffer disadvantages due to our own faults. Right after the holiday season the team shall gather to discuss methods of proper compensation and remedy. The affected players will more then likely receive gold compensation to their account. Additionally all Grepolis players will receive a day of free administrator.

I would like to intone how important it is for us to provide the highest quality for the game and we shall take any steps necessary to avoid future problems.
Please allow me to further wish you a happy new year enriched with success and joy as well as a lot of fun with Grepolis!

Dominika Borgosz
InnoGames GmbH