Pnp The Tale of Creation


In the beginning...
There was an alliance called The Trolls, who had been brought unto this world to do good.

They started out with a groovy guy called Marker87 leading it!

Valiantly they fought with the other alliances against the tyrannical and numerous Spartans! With the great coalition of alliances calling death unto Spartans, the mighty organization fell.
For eons the world lived in harmony, as the grand coalition festered and conducted themselves, that all might be at peace.

But then...
The Trolls were not content with their place in life. They sought out power and desired control.

For they said in their hearts "I shall disguise myself and corrupt the souls of the earth, and bend them to my will! Then I shall create a sister alliance as great as I am so that I don't look like an MRA! Muahahahaha!"

And no wonder, for they disguised themselves as The Greek Resistance, gathering the alliances of the Earth to do battle, that they might reign over the world and its produce.

They declared war upon those free from their reign, twisting the truth that they might be seen as the victims

Yet they were not able to escape the wrath of the prophets of Hades, nor the divine retribution that was wrought upon them. The alliances that had given power unto them were assailed by fire and brimstone.

Thus war arose, Prophets of Hades and Divine Retribution fighting against The Greek Resistance and the alliances of the earth. And The Greek Resistance and his allies fought back. So it shall come to pass when the world shall be shaken at its foundations and a new world order arise from the ruins.

Peaceful times are now over.
We shall survive.
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Meh not brilliant but better, pictures aren't all to a
PnP though.


Q:This ends the war? What u mean u say that we fight to a bloody standstill and then get defeated by another alliance?


This is part of my project. Just relax and watch Marker. Besides, what I said to you ingame was that this would help end the war. Never said whether it ends on equal terms for both of us:)