Pnp w6aja, the noob that tried to conquer me


So I am here on Achilles testing out the HW so I will know more about it when I join the next one with my alliance on Xi. I could guess that someone was going to conquer me because I wasn't playing here seriously. I log on yesterday and find me city under attack with support landing after the attack, my snipe alert went off.

There were only 2 incoming attacks but I realized I had no troops left because I had thrown them away at other players. So I called the militia before both attacks and logged off, not caring too much about my city but wanted to take away some of his troops. Here what happened.....


No attacks to clear my land defense......


Yeah, not so impressive, but he did have thousands of land troops come in to support me and about 250 biremes, so you know who one turtle on Achilles is, w6aja. Of course I am about 6k points and he is over 100k.

Next time you see your swords light up and w6aja is the attacker, just hit one button and there you go, 500 bp and the city will still be yours :p

I Pm'd him about it. I said I thought I knew him from Xi and I also asked him about the unwritten rule where 100K+ players shouldn't attack sub-20k players because it's generally unfair even without morale and here was his response:


So you can also see he is a great guy to be around apart from a great player ingame, another great attribute of the great w6aja. So get those invites ready, next time he leaves an alliance he should have about 50 invites after his great performance here.
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I think PnPs can be made against only alliances not against specific people or player .


What an idiot. 46% morale and he doesn't even send enough to get past militia.. stay classy, Grepolis.


There are no rules about PnP topics..

Forum Rules said:
P&P (Politics and Propaganda)

The idea of P&P is to post about ongoing conflicts in the attempt to spread information, ideas and even rumors in order to help yourself or harm your opponents. P&P can be a valuable tool on the forums and bring a new element to the game.
For a thread to qualify as P&P, please ensure when creating the topic the P&P prefix is used.
All P&P should be done in character. No personal attacks or flaming are allowed. For example “Player Joe is a coward because he hides his troops from our attacks.” or “Metropolis is full of noobs who can't shoot their slings straight”
Unacceptable examples: “Player Joe has a court ordered psychiatrist and really needs to get a life. “

There are rules, but yes it's fine to have PnPs directed at individual players (so long as they have some relevance, and not just unnecessary personal attacks).


yeah it was because of title why wrote my comment as

No personal attacks or flaming are allowed. For example “Player Joe is a coward because he hides his troops from our attacks.” or “Metropolis is full of noobs who can't shoot their slings straight”

Title- w6aja, the noob that tried to conquer me


LOL. A player used 300 defensive troops to take over a city, but still has enough resources to produce 59 lightships?!? He's not necessarily a noob, but more like a fail.

Good job Grepolis! Players that don't read what units' ratings are by the perfectly obvious "Help" link to Wiki deserve to fail.

I also like how the luck was -29% (nearly maximum) in this case. Makes me feel like the worse your decisions are, the less luck you are likely to earn. But yeah, that's all random.


you are allowed to call person a noob. Says so in the rules, I thought it was funny that he only sent 180 attack troops and they were in the CS attack, and they were hops, not even slings.


Unacceptable examples: “Player Joe has a court ordered psychiatrist and really needs to get a life. “

Where did they get this example?


he probably thought he get through didnt worry about sending a attack becaus someone cleared him or he spied him having nothing. Truthfully it is alright to have them in cs against certian players who snipe its good option but in this case with no attacks before hand to guard and take out milita i dont see why it was done with 46% moral those farm boys are kings.


I think thats brilliant,
proves the point about this not being Heroworld but just another world in which the noobs seem to taking over from the real players.

hats off to Posiden :p


haha yeah higher requirements should be required for hero worlds so things like this dont happen also maybe a personality quiz too to keep out some of the less desirables


haha yeah higher requirements should be required for hero worlds so things like this dont happen also maybe a personality quiz too to keep out some of the less desirables

not sure i would get in then :heh:


never a dull moment ...:)

to call it heroworld is a joke, poor quality and tedious


NORTHERN RESISTANCE are the biggest bunch of cowards, crybabys and lowlifes i have ever came across in 5 years of Grepo,
they have some real good guys there but there sum total fails to balance the rest of the losers,

a shame as i like those guys and they deserve more...


yeah them the resistance and nothern mayhem are all the same just a bunch of bullies preying on the weak and crying when they are on the losing side lol