RIP Leaders and RIP alliances


Great to see LoA is still not forgotten :D they really were some fun times! I think that we were pretty lucky to get such a great group of guys together actually.. and great to see many of you still going strong here in eta! I am actually playing in Mu with a few of you old LoAiens and i hope to meet up with many more of you in the future :D

Oh and RIP to. cm44888! top bloke and a great player

haha there are still a few of us LoA around still kicking. Shame you left eta albeit I have the pleasure of your company as well as others in Mu.

cm44888 and plenty of others to hail and have a drink over.

I wonder what the world would be like if LoA didn't disband...I imagine it would be quite interesting.


yeah carl was cool, we got along quite well.
what about zystra he left too didnt he?

oh and i have to mention everyones favourite player (before me lol) max rubner, his name was Uwe and he was the smartest guy i met online, even though english wasnt his first language he was well spoken and very inteligent.

onarios and bleeding soul were the guys that with me held power in destroyers, we made some mistakes and we started off as an mra (i didnt even know what mra is at the time and i didnt know that it bad mkaaay)

another person worth mentioning was dave doherty, he was the toughest guy i met online, a real bad ***, not some self proclaimed one. shame he was too far away from everyone in KE and he wasnt able to survive...

last person that i shall mention is daizan, he was good at this game, smart, strong and funny (shame that at my expense lol) but in general we buried the hatchet and got along later on in the game.


haha there are still a few of us LoA around still kicking. Shame you left eta albeit I have the pleasure of your company as well as others in Mu.

cm44888 and plenty of others to hail and have a drink over.

I wonder what the world would be like if LoA didn't disband...I imagine it would be quite interesting.

well i actually do still have a city in eta.. maybe i will make a comeback lol :D and yes i have a feeling that the world would look a bit different if we had of stuck around.

and i miss you to lefty haha ;)


he was a great leader and a strong player who helped everyone in DFE and started their legacy. but don't think that because he's gone DFE will go to.

didn't get to know him very well but he seemed like a nice smart guy.

J.n.c 1993

RIP Zanshikai... Was the leader of DFE after Rolfgar but now he has quit. Another good player gone. Hope RL goes well for him.


He tried to warn everybody about JNC and his alliance, everyone ignored him. Well, except me of course.

Ahhhhhhhhhh ... someone still remembers the Tribunal :) He was my main council member back then. Good guy and a great friend. Too bad all of James' nasty comments back then drove him to quit the game. :(


ya i forget to say RIP sarms he was a good guy who taught me how to play the game the right way


I'm not sure what you're asking. "Rest in Peace" is a very common phrase (at least in the english-speaking world) expressing a show of well-wishes and/or respect for somebody who has passed away. So "RIP XXX" is a wish that "XXX" finds peace in the next life or whatever.

Hope that answers your question.


Can I vote for worst ever leader on Eta?

Lord Lexus of Grepolis Knights, an obscure alliance nobody remembers anymore.

The guy recruited from all over the world (at least a dozen oceans), and crowed about how that made his bloated alliance strong and successful. If anybody dared question his leadership decisions he would rant about how he'd quit, then he'd delete his resignation posts and go down to the pub.

We lost so many players to other alliances because they were too far away to defend (as much as 50 hours by bireme). Then he's wonder 'Derrr, why are so many people attacking us??!'

A total fail as a leader, and sorry GK was my first real alliance on the English servers.


yep hands down lord lexus might have been the worst leader


lefty you made my choice on my next plan im gonna work my way up to see u lot!! i wanna piece of this cleanesing as i feel this is a major importance in his game to deal with this now!!


Well done Lefty and co on yet another thread you have commented on to tell us all how shocking JNC is as a leader and hows hes a coward and a little kid etc.
I hope your feel real pleased with yourself your just so imaginative

the last bit was sarcasm unless you didnt get it