Pnp True Fear(Back Stabbers)

I thought i Would Add this as a Warning to all players in the Game for all the Worlds as a Warning> i hope it stays on.

In the Game there is a Old Alliance who has played here for Years called True Fear! its a group made up of old players the Leader is @jameslongst.

Now the way this Alliance plays and this is known by a lot of players in the game who have played With them, They Make all sort of Promises We wont Move down into your Ocean,We will help you against this Alliance so on

and in the first few days or a Week they follow through it, They keep all the promises everything is fine but in the Background this Alliance is getting Ready to betray you and Backstab you!

They dont want to be your Friend, They want to buy Time so they can get Ready Build up! and start to attack you if your Close to them or just Use you as a Decoy if your far away.

Here they have made 2 promises they have broken!

1. They werent going to attack me or my Alliance and that they wouldn't go to our Core which they do!

2. They Created a Alliance with a Team here Called Black Sheep, they promised they would work together with them and then they Turned around are giving their own Cities to Enemies of Black Sheep that are on islands their Ally owns.

If you Come across this Alliance on other Worlds, work together and just attack them dont Ally Dont Pact or NAP them, you will only give them Time to prepare they will break any agreement as soon as they are ready to attack you.

Some Alliances in this Game choose to Drop in the world and Use a lot of gold to help them win.
Some Alliances in this game choose to drop and work together with other alliances to defeat someone.
True Fear! Chooses to BackStab,Lie and Cheat they believe thats how they will win, that this is a terrible Game where everyone betrays eachother so dont trust them!

I Hope that this will save Future Teams here and Players from being Hurt and betrayed by a Manipulator like Jameslongts and his team True Fear.

Mike 3rd

I typed up a whole post about how much you talk in externals for someone who wasn't top 125 in points or BP until yesterday (Congrats on making it to 98th in BP), but I deleted it. Instead, I'm just going to say I'm amazed how much I learn about my own alliance (that I'm a leader of) on externals from you.
I typed up a whole post about how much you talk in externals for someone who wasn't top 125 in points or BP until yesterday (Congrats on making it to 98th in BP), but I deleted it. Instead, I'm just going to say I'm amazed how much I learn about my own alliance (that I'm a leader of) on externals from you.

Yeah so whats wrong with you guys man why do you keep sending 1 Troop attacks at us ? :confused: its getting old really. see this is what i mean you guys have been Playing this game for years now you @jameslongst StannisStorm and the rest.

Show a little Class and Honor you dont have to do Everything just to win! :cool:

Mike 3rd

I mean, there's nothing wrong with sending a 1 unit HC. It's pretty common when you get a new city on an enemy island to do just that, and I would go further and say that it is just good strategy to do exactly that. Now, if someone keeps sending those at you to the point that it's spam, then report them. But my guess is that isn't the case otherwise you'd have already reported it. Given he hasn't been banned, I would say this is likely a one off occurance, or at most a rare occurance.

Also, that has nothing to do with the novel you wrote to start this thread, so clearly all you really want to do is defame True Fear and not talk about anything real.
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@TromboneTom True Fear were attacking one player Yesterday from my alliance and this was a player who had Seizures and i felt bad about him being attacked because he was telling me that he wanted to leave i told him to hit VM he wanted to stay and said was ok i also told him to go to the Hospital.

But anyways i told this to one True Fear player he started calling me a whiney b or something

But Today all of True Fear decides to do a OP on this one player or maybe that one player told a few friends in True fear.

But im thinking man where is their Humanity you know ? :( i know its a war game i just cant understand why do they have to be so Cruel you know....

I plan to tell this player to maybe take a break and go in VM but to tell Baller shame on you man and shame on all of you who attacked that player today.


@TromboneTom True Fear were attacking one player Yesterday from my alliance and this was a player who had Seizures and i felt bad about him being attacked because he was telling me that he wanted to leave i told him to hit VM he wanted to stay and said was ok i also told him to go to the Hospital.

But anyways i told this to one True Fear player he started calling me a whiney b or something

But Today all of True Fear decides to do a OP on this one player or maybe that one player told a few friends in True fear.

But im thinking man where is their Humanity you know ? :( i know its a war game i just cant understand why do they have to be so Cruel you know....

I plan to tell this player to maybe take a break and go in VM but to tell Baller shame on you man and shame on all of you who attacked that player today.
You wouldnt believe the amount of people who suddenly end up in the hospital/have a seizure or just had someone in their family die when they've been attacked.

Im sure sometimes its real but i feel like we've heard all the excuses in the book over our years.
As far as james sending one troop goes just take his city and the problem should be solved!


I thought i Would Add this as a Warning to all players in the Game for all the Worlds as a Warning> i hope it stays on.

In the Game there is a Old Alliance who has played here for Years called True Fear! its a group made up of old players the Leader is @jameslongst.

Now the way this Alliance plays and this is known by a lot of players in the game who have played With them, They Make all sort of Promises We wont Move down into your Ocean,We will help you against this Alliance so on

and in the first few days or a Week they follow through it, They keep all the promises everything is fine but in the Background this Alliance is getting Ready to betray you and Backstab you!

They dont want to be your Friend, They want to buy Time so they can get Ready Build up! and start to attack you if your Close to them or just Use you as a Decoy if your far away.

Here they have made 2 promises they have broken!

1. They werent going to attack me or my Alliance and that they wouldn't go to our Core which they do!

2. They Created a Alliance with a Team here Called Black Sheep, they promised they would work together with them and then they Turned around are giving their own Cities to Enemies of Black Sheep that are on islands their Ally owns.

If you Come across this Alliance on other Worlds, work together and just attack them dont Ally Dont Pact or NAP them, you will only give them Time to prepare they will break any agreement as soon as they are ready to attack you.

Some Alliances in this Game choose to Drop in the world and Use a lot of gold to help them win.
Some Alliances in this game choose to drop and work together with other alliances to defeat someone.
True Fear! Chooses to BackStab,Lie and Cheat they believe thats how they will win, that this is a terrible Game where everyone betrays eachother so dont trust them!

I Hope that this will save Future Teams here and Players from being Hurt and betrayed by a Manipulator like Jameslongts and his team True Fear.
This is ridiculous


Yeah so whats wrong with you guys man why do you keep sending 1 Troop attacks at us ? :confused: its getting old really. see this is what i mean you guys have been Playing this game for years now you @jameslongst StannisStorm and the rest.

Show a little Class and Honor you dont have to do Everything just to win! :cool:

Just thought I would leave this here.
@jameslongst @RoyalKnight i think both of you need help.

Its amazing how much anger you have and fear, how much you want to win in this game to a point where everything goes even making lies and making fun of people with Health Issues :confused:

Its Cool guys your going to win in a Online game dont worry relax!

Just dont forget to take a break once in a while and focus on that thimg called Life! I dont know if you have it but it would be fun to get, also maybe a partner someone special so you dont spend the last 10 years playing a dead online game.



@jameslongst @RoyalKnight i think both of you need help.

Its amazing how much anger you have and fear, how much you want to win in this game to a point where everything goes even making lies and making fun of people with Health Issues :confused:

Its Cool guys your going to win in a Online game dont worry relax!

Just dont forget to take a break once in a while and focus on that thimg called Life! I dont know if you have it but it would be fun to get, also maybe a partner someone special so you dont spend the last 10 years playing a dead online game.

What happened to your claim of me photo shopping my Picasso paintings? Edit: Also, I respect everyone to a certain extent, especially their well-being, so not sure what you are claiming but you are false.
What happened to your claim of me photo shopping my Picasso paintings? Edit: Also, I respect everyone to a certain extent, especially their well-being, so not sure what you are claiming but you are false.

Im sure there are many players with who you play with @RoyalKnight who have Seizures or other health issues.

Do you have nothing to say to @jameslongst who is making fun of them ? :/ i will be more brave then you and tell him.

My mother use to say @jameslongst when i was younger dont make fun of people who have problems its not right tommorow you or your children could have the same problems.

What we show here is how we are raised and i feel sad for you because i can see you didnt have anyone to teach you anything, i finally understand why you think you need to win so much and thats sad :(


"My mother use to say @jameslongst when i was younger dont make fun of people who have problems its not right tommorow you or your children could have the same problems."

I think everybody grew up like this, that's exactly why everybody here is refraining from making fun of your delusional mental breakdown in this post. @everybody we should be nice to Shanks, having him here checks out all the boxes on the diversity (special) list - it enriches the game

@RoyalKnight you should be nice to people who have seizures just like Shanks said. I think about 20 people got seizures reading this post.
I personally lost 10 brain cells and I think I received mental damage.
@pimpz sorry about hurting your bosses feelings if im being honest i have no idea why he decided to write here in the first place and somehow defend James, the Player i talked about had a Accident and had to do brain Surgery he has since left the game i still feel bad because you guys are joking with this and i hope his not reading the comments you know what they say what comes around goes around.
