What a load of pony


Oh and PS if Leadership was so bad in ownage how come they are all following me????


Keep in mind we are only hearing one side, and that we really don't know what happened or why. For whatever reason, we were presented with this option. I really don't want to see this degrade further into a p***ing match. You have my respect.


Nah I am done with the anger, it was a game and it was fun. Honestly I am glad its over, now I can get back to Skyrim and Forza.... Oh wait and my wife and kids LOL

Thane Badger

We nearly won in December, when Barbarians and GMW teamed up on a (quite spectacular) operation. We rallied, we landed our own CS and defended it, and we were well on our way to winning again, until again the alliances banded together in a creative use of strategy to thwart us. We countered, and it worked out for us.

Do you live in a fantasy world?

You didn't counter anything, you crawled on your knees to any player stupid enough to listen to you until you managed to find one.
As sportsman I'm sure you could become members of the Berkeley Hunt.

You killed this game for everyone in this world and probably any other, until the operators have enough sense to sort it out. But I seriously doubt there will ever be a world as big as Omega in the future.

You killed the proverbial Goose that laid the proverbial golden egg. There are a number of people who I hope I never have the misfortune to come into contact with again. I wouldn't say you are one of them but spare us the sickly sentiment.


Thane you done your pity party yet? You keep whining about how we "cheated" to win, doing something entirely within the rules, yet you feel like you're some sort of genius for exposing a loophole yourself to accelerate the ownage colossus by swapping out players to dump favor. Seriously, what's the difference here? Oh wait, I know what the difference is, the difference is our tactic worked and yours ended up being futile. So now you're whining like a spoiled brat because things didn't go your way. You need me to UPS you a box of Kleenex or something?


Thane; you are such a pathetic t***... And every time you reply here, you manage to grow just a teeeny weeny bit more and become an even bigger t***! To everyone else, good game!

edit: you know that i did
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Thane Badger

I'm a reaslist.

It wasn't a good game. It was a pointless waste of time.

Half the people on this server hated each others guts but they alll want to slap each other on the back now, the same two-faced attitude that prevailed throughout the game.

Oh jolly well played old chap. See it's easy to fake, except I'm not a fake.

Speaking about rules, I don't think twat is an acceptable form of address either, you should try to be more inventive least you get banned from the forums.


So my opinion remains the same. talking about rotating players doesn't wash either For most of the game The Northern Alliance held their own with 30 active players while the rest of you circumvented the 80 players limit with your franchises of 3 or 4 groups of the same name and constantly rotated players as you needed them. Funny how as such a happy family it shrunk and shrunk and shrunk.

What a joker, The Northern Alliance were not even heard of in Omega until myself and KNL73 asked ex-bravehertz and several small alliances to join you to give BDT a problem in the north back in January. A best you held your own for 4 months, and then were GW/Warlord puppets for 10 months, and finally the TNA+BDT mass recruiting alliance for 3 months.

I think it quite amusing that an alliance filled with players who sunk ally CS, used illegal scripts, and duel accounted talk about cheating and honour, i'm sure you wouldn't have posted this thread had a Warlords defected too whatever your latest alliance is called.


I'm a reaslist.

It wasn't a good game. It was a pointless waste of time.
Well, considering all your frustrated remarks everywhere for the last 10 months, you should have been more clever and have left the game a long time ago. because you were a waste of our time as well.
Besides this: yes, the game ended in an anticlimax, but in war, everything that doesn't break the rules is allowed, so Warlords played well. There was an opportunity, they took it. I wonder how many other alliances would have turned this chance down. Plus they have shown they can fight AND be patient. A good winner then.

Thanks everyone for the fun (from the other side: especially thanks Sif and urog, good fights!)


Warlords played well. There was an opportunity, they took it. I wonder how many other alliances would have turned this chance down. Plus they have shown they can fight AND be patient. A good winner then.

Thanks everyone for the fun (from the other side: especially thanks Sif and urog, good fights!)
Exactly Hank, Everyone would have taken this chance, like everyone used every opportunity to play dirty and stab us in the back, to stop us from winning.
Even until the last CS attempt KNL73 was so friendly congratulating us but really trying get us to blurt our inactives.

but in war, everything that doesn't break the rules is allowed,

Someone talking sense for a change


but in war, everything that doesn't break the rules is allowed

After he has won there are no questions anyway, about breaking rules. The loser does not sit at the table when the winner (re)writes history. But this applies to the real world ;)

Ladies and Gentlemen, it was a pleasure fighting with, and against you. Congrats to Warlords, they might have won anyway, without this .. incident.

I really hope the Grep team does something against this, either in that a whole island must not necessarily belong to one faction as long as their WW can be defended, or that leaving an alliance is made harder, for an individual.
There are some good proposals in this thread about what could be done.
Until this is changed however, i see no point in further playing.

Thanks all, it has been fun,

Thane Badger

As I've already stated, I was offered "those kind of chances" more than once.

Don't forget, at one point the minor franchise of Warlords momentarily merged with TNA. There were plenty of players who quit after that who were offering all kinds of dirty deals.

I turned them down. Keironus, we took into our alliance in a complicated withdrawal, rather than stacking up his cities on and around your World Wonders. Oldaccord was offering me his cities for at least three months before he finally quit the game.

I realize that there are people who would sell their children to gain the slightest advantage in this game. I'm not one of them. If you think you gain credit by being that way then you are sorely mistaken.

All Warlords had to do to win if they failed to gain the Collosus was to attack GW's Lighthouse. I'm sure there were plenty of Warlords players who would have preferred to win through battle tactics rather than back door deals. It's always been obvious that certain personalities in the game much prefer the underhand way and assume that everyone else has exactly the same perspective.

SCMG as one of them you don't even warrant a reply.

I've made a proposal to prevent this kind of thing happening in the future. Let's see what way the community as a whole wants to go.

Until this is changed however, i see no point in further playing.


All Warlords had to do to win if they failed to gain the Collosus was to attack GW's Lighthouse. I'm sure there were plenty of Warlords players who would have preferred to win through battle tactics rather than back door deals. It's always been obvious that certain personalities in the game much prefer the underhand way and assume that everyone else has exactly the same perspective.

SCMG as one of them you don't even warrant a reply.

Replying to me, telling me I don't warrant a reply? Is it underhanded of me to point out your logic is wrong?....again!

It's sweet that you're still so irked that I always called you out on your underhanded games. Although i'll congratulate you on being the one to make the first move when the talking finished.
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To everyone that I played with / against, fought, supported, plotted, planned, spoke to - Thank you. It was a lot of fun for more than a year. Congratulations to Warlords but I'm glad it is over - the WW phase is tedious and I was getting sick of it. After a decent break I hope to see some of you again.



All Warlords had to do to win if they failed to gain the Colossus was to attack GW's Lighthouse.

Yeah, all we had to do was land a CS on GW's lighthouse in O25, 70-80 hours away from our core. That makes sense, seems easy enough. In fact, it sounds so simple, I have no idea why we didn't do that.. Not like the leaders in GW (who are a little bit smarter than some alliance's leadership) would of noticed us colonizing or conquering a trail of cities all the way to O25.

Do you even think before you speak Thane? Or are you just going to continue whining and saying anything and everything to try to discredit the fact that we did everything we could WITHIN the rules to win? You've also failed to mention the fact that while we were neck and neck with ownage expanding our colossus to level 10, we sunk 18 colony ships headed towards our WW islands in a 24 hour period. Bet that must of stung a little bit too.

Oh, nice rage quit by the way, Thane. I remember doing those when I was 10 and facing defeat in Age of Empires 2 online.


Big congratulations to Warlords for kicking the traitor just before building your 4th WW. I'm not sure if he got what he deserved or to call you out for the scumbags you are...


I've made a proposal to prevent this kind of thing happening in the future. Let's see what way the community as a whole wants to go.

Until this is changed however, i see no point in further playing.

Can you post a link Thane to where this is in the "community"? Is it in an open forum/discussion thread?

I'd have some interest in following the discussion if it is.


Thank you all for making me among the bp leaders. The point of this game for me was entertainment, teamwork, and meeting new people making friends in new places. never cared for most of the junk on this forum. Hope you all stay well and maybe we will meet or do battle again someday.No opinion on the load of pony.


So basically Thane wants to get a rule implemented so players can't switch alliances in the wonders phase so players can't "screw over" an alliance. However if that rule was in place ownage wouldn't of been able to rotate players in and out to dump favor and accelerate their colossus which they were well behind on. Oh the hypocrisy..


I am not angry about loosing the game, I am annoyed at the game for making it possible to win in this way. disregarding both troops, skills and safety zones. people switching to ownage to send favor is also a loophole that should be changed. It is not fair either.

The game should be won as it is played, by war. Not by favor or someone on a WW island switching side.

I too will be leaving the game. I need to get back to real life, but also, I see no reason to use further hours or money on a game where no matter how good you are, how many troops you have, you can still loose with a click from one disgruntled person..

I loved playing in Omega. I loved the war. I loved the late night attacks with timing snipes from other city's or recalling at the right moment. I loved the small messages from enemies, some trying to figure out my online times, some complimenting a snipe and some just wanting to chat a little. I loved the headless attacks I would get from time to time, where I would just be laughing. The hard attacks where it really would take some skills to make it. I love the half million slingers on my wall, that i have killed as a defender. I loved it all. I would have liked if the game had ended the same way.

Thank you all for some very good fights, I will surely miss them.
I will also miss a lot of alliance members, former alliance members, but also a lot of my enemies.
You have my respect.

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