What did killed this server ?


1) not knowing players alliance isn't a big deal, it only proves you never watched what was happening in the world. bandit has been in bad wolf since they spawned...wait, i'm in armada. this for sure makes no difference. why talk to me if i am in armada?
2) there is nothing wrong in recruiting others if they ask. we were only 30 players at that time so what's wrong with that? oh wait, i know it. the difference is you prefer ghosting rather than fighting (nice bp u had)
3) dt already planned the merge with slackers. everyone knows it NOW. none knew it back in the days. do you need screenshots? he was talking with slackers for days and none in his alliance knew it. do you know what it means? oh i know it. you know nothing about the world.
4) it isn't my fault if they had 3 alliances and had a pact with hellenic (2 or 3 alliances) if they had no enemies. how comes all my alliance could fight the whole server? how comes my alliance has all top fighters? that has for sure because we never fight, right? mmmh. makes sense.

you are litterally bad at the game and trying to find excuses for what happened. i could invite anyone on that discord server to read the chat and you would see me teaching tilt how to play and dt taking decision without his alliance knowing it... then taking time every day before answering because his council was mad at him and so on. again, you litterally know nothing. i can't expect much from someone that refused to play the world.
also the no fighting skill is funny. everyone ghosts after fighting us= no fighting. everyone calling us botters for our timing = no fighting. all top ranking warriors = no fighting.
learn to play and try to understand what happens in a world. then talk. there are pages and pages of comments saying we dominated all fights and none could stop us. now you cry over diplomacy because you can't accept that none was able to slow us down.
accept defeat, it is fine to lose sometimes :) some people lose more often than other tho :)

maybe (MAYBE) in the future i will find you again, let's see how much you last vs someone who doesn't know how to fight (yet rank 1/2/3 warrior since first day of the server, because i never fight)

also, i'm still wondering what is wrong with 20 players chosing to fight 2 fronts at the same time, not more... back in the days we were 20 players, you all know that. we were fighting 54 and 55 (10 player 54, 10 55 average).
let's see others
parti were 100, fighting 54 and 55 (50 player 54, 50 player 55 average. in reality it was 90 players and 10 in 54)
tilt were 120, fighting 44 45 55 (40 players each ocean average. in reality it was half 44 and half 45. they never really joined 55)
bad wolf were 15/20 "fighting" 45 (15/20 player in 1 ocean)
armada were 40 fighting 54 (40 players in 1 ocean)
hellenic were 100 fighting 44 (100 players in 1 ocean)
it+slackers were 80 fighting 44/45 (40 players average. in reality it was all 80 in 44 by the way)

do you need help or can you understand alone?
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Because everyone else ghosted because of your diplomacy lmao that is why you have the top fighters there is no one left. This was a WW where there wasn't even a end fight because of it. I don't see how you can say I am bad at the game when I joined a month late at the edge of 44 and caught up with people still. Sure I didn't play till the end but that is because I disagreed with what my alliance did and didn't feel like playing anymore on this world. What do you think people are so scared of a person on a game most of the sever ghosted because of it lmao. You are completely delusional if so.

I also didn't say you had no fighting skill. I just said that diplomacy was the reason you won this world not fighting. Could you of won this world just fighting everyone sure maybe but instead you chose naps, pacts, and betraying pacts.

It is still a win you are right but stop acting like you soloed this world.


we made original innocent ghost on day 3 or 4 while everyone was under protection .what is your 200 iq reason for it?
ask westlandiluc or whatever his name was what happened right after he wanted to look cool and leave protection.
then go one step ahead, ask old parti member what was happening to their sieges and their cities every day.
i think we all remember 3 things
1) we were sieging them 24/7
2) they were sieging tilt every other day
3) we broke their sieges even if they tried to use low moral player for ghosts
but you werent even in the world, you can't know those things that actually got people crazy, right?

then go one step ahead. what happened? we continued sieging parti over and over and over (with them being online). they sieged us one time only because of alarm not working. they started going in vm and raging. at this point you probably were in the world. you should know this if you aren't that blind.
what was happening everywhere else? 44 was a mess, 54 was already won, 45 was full tilt green screen simulator but they were scared of bad wolf

let's go one more step ahead.
parti decided to quit, they dissolved alliance, lot of players in vm willing to quit.
44 was still a mess. some tilt, some hellenic, some it, some slackers
45 same as before
so... while we destroyed parti (SURE BECAUSE OF DIPLOMACY AND NOT SIEGING 5 CITIES A DAY) other oceans did nothing.
after 20 players completely conquered 1 ocean and made 1 ocean die, i recruited (again, i have screenshots) because of wonders. you can not win with 20 players unfortunately. but at that point it was 2 ocean won by us. only 20 of us. while everyone else was just doing nothing.
maybe that means it's you all who refused to fight, not us.

also to be noted: recruiting 10 innocent in 44 doesn't change the world. tilt+hellenic were still like 200 players more or less. what's the difference? they were bad.:)


you have to understand 1 thing, the diplomacy wouldnt be successful if bwnw sucked
Again I am not saying BWNW sucked because that is not the case just that you guys chose for some reason to recruit you allies biggest enemy which caused the sever to die.


Again I am not saying BWNW sucked because that is not the case just that you guys chose for some reason to recruit you allies biggest enemy which caused the sever to die.
there are multiple reason but for sure im not going to teach you strategy. for sure i'm happy that it allowed me to know perseus and pvdp who are really cool guys and nice to talk with. unlike my old allies (dt) who was trying to look cool with 8 different alliances to avoid fighting and doing things none was aware of because he litterally wanted to just chill and enjoy the game and not fight to much (his own allies were saying that. im talking about sixth and whitegoat who were 2 of the best tilt in that alliance)

again, i think everyone remembers dt making pacts with hellenic because 100 tilt weren't enough to stop 15 innocent (some of them were already in vm. i don't know why) and only after that hellenic pact he was having some success in 44, because sure. 200 players can always break sieges of 60/70 (not exactly sure of the number of players in those 2 alliance at that point)


Well, I'm so interested with this chat. So, let me explain from my POV.
1. About this
This is going to be the story of what happened from my point of view and why I Left to join FT instead of going with you guys to BWNW. I am sending this out to my former team mates from IT because I feel like you guys were lied to about some things going on.

BWNW came with an offer to both slackers and IT council. Only your top players can join us and we will eat the rest. Both Councils voted different. Slackers chose to not leave their lower members behind. Over in IT however there was a 3-1 vote for doing just that. Without warning or any talking to the rest of the alliance everyone started getting invites to BWNW and then a message was sent out with what was happening. There was also no discussion about it allowed in the discord at the time. I am sure if you are still part of it you can scroll up and see where we were told to keep the channel cleared.

From there only one person at the time refused the invite and that was Remondre, the only leader who voted against the leaving their own members behind. There plan was to still be able to hit the other people in 44 . At the time FT was pacted with both THL and BWNW so if we attacked THL while in BWNW FT could do nothing about it. I soon realized the same thing could be said about slackers and are people we left behind. I asked about it and was ignored.

I talked to Slackers, Rem, and many other people in the world. During this time I learned a few things. BWNW offered FT to stay allies and just eat slackers and THL. Are other leaders were fine with this which I found insulting as Slackers were basically us as well. They helped every chance they could to help us in everyway.

Slackers realizing that they were being left behind by IT leadership and were going to be food for BWNW and FT thanks to receiving screen shoots from people they did what they had to do for their members. They contacted FT and got a full merge into them with leaving no members behind unlike the deal with BWNW. When I spoke to some leaders about this what they told me really pissed me off. They tried saying that most likely Slackers were working with FT all along. After everything they did with breaking sieges left and right and stacking cities with def to get them this really pissed me off. It was an insult to are closet ally and I couldn't stand it anymore.

I then turned down my invite to BWNW and joined FT. I helped get some of are former members into either FT or THL as they were left behind by our own leaders. Those who joined THL were attacked right away by their former leaders from IT which is a joke. No loyalty what so ever. Like what were they post to do just ghost?

That is what I learned anyway from my time talking to many different people of what happened anyway. Rem ghosted because of the action of the other leaders, Slackers merged all their members into FT instead of abandoning them like our leadership did to some of are former team mates.

I don't expect anyone to switch sides or change what they are doing. I simply wanted to get the truth about what really happened out their. As talking to some of you I learned you were simply lied to about rem and about slackers which is a shame. I hate seeing Rem name dragged though the mud when they tried to help all of our members not just those on top.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

TLDR : BWNW and IT betrayed both their allies for an easy win. People ghosted because they felt wronged by their former teammates.
I didn't follow this drama much, but one that I know is that either it's right or not, this already happen, so let's make this as lesson that DON'T trust easily with your alliance now. We don't know maybe your former alliance will be your future enemy(We don't know right?) And if it right, that what happend with IT now is same that happend with VOX DEI and VOX POPULI(I'm the victim of that before)

2. About this
we made original innocent ghost on day 3 or 4 while everyone was under protection .what is your 200 iq reason for it?
ask westlandiluc or whatever his name was what happened right after he wanted to look cool and leave protection.
then go one step ahead, ask old parti member what was happening to their sieges and their cities every day.
i think we all remember 3 things
1) we were sieging them 24/7
2) they were sieging tilt every other day
3) we broke their sieges even if they tried to use low moral player for ghosts
but you werent even in the world, you can't know those things that actually got people crazy, right?

then go one step ahead. what happened? we continued sieging parti over and over and over (with them being online). they sieged us one time only because of alarm not working. they started going in vm and raging. at this point you probably were in the world. you should know this if you aren't that blind.
what was happening everywhere else? 44 was a mess, 54 was already won, 45 was full tilt green screen simulator but they were scared of bad wolf

let's go one more step ahead.
parti decided to quit, they dissolved alliance, lot of players in vm willing to quit.
44 was still a mess. some tilt, some hellenic, some it, some slackers
45 same as before
so... while we destroyed parti (SURE BECAUSE OF DIPLOMACY AND NOT SIEGING 5 CITIES A DAY) other oceans did nothing.
after 20 players completely conquered 1 ocean and made 1 ocean die, i recruited (again, i have screenshots) because of wonders. you can not win with 20 players unfortunately. but at that point it was 2 ocean won by us. only 20 of us. while everyone else was just doing nothing.
maybe that means it's you all who refused to fight, not us.

also to be noted: recruiting 10 innocent in 44 doesn't change the world. tilt+hellenic were still like 200 players more or less. what's the difference? they were bad.:)

Tbh, thunder is right. Even recruiting rest of IT and parti didnt change anything if they same skill as Hellenic. So, back to the skill.

3. Why this world is dead

For some of us, maybe think that this world start to dead when the big changes happend. But anyone didn't realise that early world alliance affected right? For me, I think THIS WORLD WILL STILL ALIVE NOW if only VOX DEI and VOX POPULI DIDN"T merge with FT before(BIGGEST MISTAKE I THINK) and join with IT/Slackers. With that, maybe this world still alive now and there will be 4 Great alliance that still war for crown.

If anyone didn't like with my argument or have any thought, fell free to chat me on discord or WA(+6281804966314)
NB: I dont know if it allow to share number here or not
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hey man who cares about ghosts, look at world most of population is played just like in this game lmao


Well, I'm so interested with this chat. So, let me explain from my POV.
1. About this

I didn't follow this drama much, but one that I know is that either it's right or not, this already happen, so let's make this as lesson that DON'T trust easily with your alliance now. We don't know maybe your former alliance will be your future enemy(We don't know right?) And if it right, that what happend with IT now is same that happend with VOX DEI and VOX POPULI(I'm the victim of that before)

2. About this

Tbh, thunder is right. Even recruiting rest of IT and parti didnt change anything if they same skill as Hellenic. So, back to the skill.

3. Why this world is dead

For some of us, maybe think that this world start to dead when the big changes happend. But anyone didn't realise that early world alliance affected right? For me, I think THIS WORLD WILL STILL ALIVE NOW if only VOX DEI and VOX POPULI DIDN"T merge with FT before(BIGGEST MISTAKE I THINK) and join with IT/Slackers. With that, maybe this world still alive now and there will be 4 Great alliance that still war for crown.

If anyone didn't like with my argument or have any thought, fell free to chat me on discord or WA(+6281804966314)
NB: I dont know if it allow to share number here or not

I’d take down your number mate.
1. We now know what country you’re from.
2. I might get drunk and start calling you at 3am
3. See above lol


So congratz to all BWNW who dominate this server from it's very beginning. If there was just 3 or 4 decent player on the other side is not their fault
Congratz to parti for even try to stop BWNW (not for their words but I bet parti learned a lesson here)
Congratz to FT for.. no for nothing at all
Congratz to BW for never give up at all but I have to blame them for the worst WW strategy I ever see in 10 years of grepo

Congratz to everyone played this server, now i've to thank a few player
Thund&abagigi for force me to begin this adventure and for all
Vasga because is vasga
Samu, erreby, dana and all the team because you are the worst and the best team I've ever had
All BWNW family, those who were with us from the beginning and those who join us during the server


Congratulations to the winners of this server, they dominated it pretty easily, cant believe how quick they adapt their game to the ladons and ghosts and all new stuffs...

I would also like to congratulate to all my friends from ex parti who got the crown, even those ``blacklisted`` ones lol, it was way to easy to get you all in there.

Overall it was not bad, but not good server either, 75m pts WW race, what a joke must admit, not even core oceans filled, blunt ladons bug, alarm failed multiple times etc etc... but I guess that is what we got used to see last years in grepo until we put final nail in the coffin of this game in next couple years...



@partizanpfc (?) Cong for what, because did not recruit bad wolves or the rest hahaha

No congratulations from touf to super ruiners, traitors and simmers. There is nothing to congratulate here.

The funny is that all of them know it, apart 2-3 guys(@Siaz eg.).where are tiranies, hellenis etc.

I think, this server was the grepo No#1 coffin