done with trbs


Oneslayer, GJC79 is a traitor and he's in your alliance. So you and your alliance can get off your high horse. Using spies is not a tactic we believe in, so obviously if I hear a player has betrayed us and said he's had dealings with your side I will post what I've previously said.

I have nothing against HOH, we're enemies, it's a game, cool story. Buce is right, grow up and stop letting your hate for me cloud your mind.

It's getting old.


And now Pulzor comes with a un-researched remark. Maybe you want to ask yourself why he's not in HoH first. Second, as far as I know he has not been in contact with any of our leaders. 3rd, maybe this is a play by you guys to get a traitor in our alliance, which is not going to happen. If we had him as a spy, we would never told him to leave your alliance and publizice his spying on forums...that's no gain in that for us. And again...why are you always on attack?? Why are you again, downtalk on HoH when obviousely we had nothing to do with what happened???

- rep

Good luck with that neg rep buddy, have to share your rep around a bit more I think?