Grepolis United: Videocasts Discussion Thread 2


Hello all,

This thread is for discussing the videocasts posted here. Specifically, this is for discussing the Heroes videocast we released today!




I know that many people are a bit nervous, but I really do like them.

They are expensive, which is good. I thought they would be very easy to unlock and use which is what i was worried about, but it is good to see that people who actually stick with the game will be rewarded with something other than more points.

From what you have said, they do seem fairly balanced. The stats are quite good, but not so good as to make them crazy good.

I do have one concern however.
I feel that it would make sense for the 'healing' when they loose a battle, attacking or defending, to cost something. An amount of the type of coin that was used to recruit them in the first place.

It just seems odd to me that you make a one off purchase, as it were, and you have them forever on all worlds. You should have to pay to keep them fit and healthy IMO.
I am not sure if this is a good idea, i am sure you considered it... Thought i'd mention nonetheless.

Also, should they not take up population? Do heros not need to eat once assigned to a town?


Also, should they not take up population? Do heros not need to eat once assigned to a town?

We wanted to keep the flexibility regarding the heroes. Imagine they would consume population. This would either mean:
a) You would have to leave some population in each town free, for it might happen that you want to assign a hero to it.
b) If you do not have the population, you would have to sacrifice some of your units.

Either way, it's not very convenient. Hence we opted for heroes not taking any population. ;)


Personally I am not very fond of the hero introduction, but I'm open to start to know it. Perhaps I am wrong (I hope so).

One questions.
If you assign a hero to a city, like a hero with a added attack value. And you attack with it, and also add a 10% more power spell, AND a 30% more power thing of the island quests.

Will it be working together? Or isn't it worth it to gather those 30% -rewards anymore?


Those effects are stackable! :)

So the Island Quest rewards are still valuable.


We wanted to keep the flexibility regarding the heroes. Imagine they would consume population. This would either mean:
a) You would have to leave some population in each town free, for it might happen that you want to assign a hero to it.
b) If you do not have the population, you would have to sacrifice some of your units.

Either way, it's not very convenient. Hence we opted for heroes not taking any population. ;)

Ay, that's what i thought really. :)

So yeah, other than that and my other comment about paying to heal them, i do really like them :)


Again more unfair defense bonuses. Attacking will be more and more difficult. When Inno continues with this, I will stop playing this game soon and with me many others. The defenders and builders will remain and Grepolis will change into Simcity. Please stop destroying your own game, Inno! The advantages of the defender are:
1. Wall and tower
(luckily, the tower will be neutralized by the war council by the rebalancing)
2. Group advantage
3. Slow colo ships
4. Transport boats sinking on biremes
5. Overpowered fire ships
6. Toolbox alarm
Even if a player is not online, he will get a message he's being attacked so he can respond directly. The only advantage of the attacker, the surprise effect, is almost gone.
7. The island quests.
The defense bonus of the island quests give you 30% extra defense power for all the troops in one city, including support. That is very much by big numbers. The attack bonus give you 30% extra attack power for one city. This means that you can do just one attack with the attack bonus, because the troops will be dead after the fight. So the attacker has to do on every attack another bonus, the defender just needs one.
8. The Heroes. I am afraid that this is the same story as the island quests, but I am not sure about it.

Many players can live with points 1 to 5, but points 6, 7 and 8 are examples of the doom of Grepolis.


Hmm seems alright. However i have a bit of a fear of that resource to experience thingy. Players in a mature world can in theory load at least 300,000 resources into a hero weekly.... I dont know what conversion rates you are going to set, but be very careful with it.


I am with Heikenen on this one. The defense bonuses are getting too ridiculous.

A tower + Leonidas maxed out + the defense spell= 70% bonus (Not to mention players who don't use gold. They will be at a 90% disadvantage)

An attacker can only achieve a bonus like this with 1 city. So how is this fair if the attacker is going to be fighting with so much less strength? Obviously it won't be too bad in normal gameplay as you can simply change targets when you see a player has so many defense bonuses on 1 city. But it is going to destroy WW!

When an alliance needs to break through 10,000 biremes and 30,000 troops, how is it fair to allow such an advantage to the defender?

I'm sure you guys at Inno have answered stuff like this already but I just want to know the reasoning behind it.


I also totally agrees with Heikenen on this one...there is thousands of players like us that have been here for years that you will lose if too many more changes come, i am not against changes but at least they have to be for the better, its not possible for some to play this game without gold like it is today, and as kwelson says how fun is it to fight for a non-gold user when u know what kind of disadvantage u got compare to the big gold spenders.


I agree, Inno need to find some more advantages for the attacker. Imagine trying to hit someone with phalanx and battering ram researched, 25 wall, tower, commander, a 30% defensive bonus, and now, a hero. Yeah, sounds like a nightmare to me too.

On a positive note, i think the heroes sound fun :) Kinda like the flags on tribal wars IMO. There just need to be more advantages for the attacker, but that doesn't have much to do with heroes tbh.


Far worse.

I am with Heikenen on this one. The defense bonuses are getting too ridiculous.

A tower + Leonidas maxed out + the defense spell= 70% bonus (Not to mention players who don't use gold. They will be at a 90% disadvantage)

An attacker can only achieve a bonus like this with 1 city. So how is this fair if the attacker is going to be fighting with so much less strength? Obviously it won't be too bad in normal gameplay as you can simply change targets when you see a player has so many defense bonuses on 1 city. But it is going to destroy WW!

When an alliance needs to break through 10,000 biremes and 30,000 troops, how is it fair to allow such an advantage to the defender?

I'm sure you guys at Inno have answered stuff like this already but I just want to know the reasoning behind it.

It's worse when you count in the Commander and Captain which count for defense as well.

Along with a previous post, if you're worried about abuse and you locked the slots, then why would somebody be able to borrow a lvl 20 hercules that they maxed on another server, burn the quest bonus, have commander, plus athena infusion when they start on a new server? They'll clear everyone on an island inside of a week depending on world speed.

You could open all the slots but make the bonuses of the heroes from other worlds scale with CP. 1CP = 1% of a heroes ability or don't allow the transfer at all.

I like the concept but there has to be some kind of concession here, make the heroes have cooldowns for use would be a great idea (like double BP), make it so they are useless when attacking players less than 70% morale.

I still don't understand why when someone attacks and 12 people defend, there aren't casualties taken from the owner of the city first and roll-over passes on to the other defenders at their respective morale or the other defenders aren't given a morale scaling like -1% for each person defending.

The abuse of these heroes in conjunction with the island quests, and the fact that this (very rare) quest someone might not ever see is going to cause nothing but headaches IMHO.


Historically speaking Attackers were always at a disadvantage. If you take the movie 300. there were just 300 people fighting and the enemy had more losses over there but still attacker won the batter. Same applies to grepolis.


The premise of the hero unit is really cool. Having these heros to use could be a great thing. But as many others have said, you need to tweak some things Inno. As well as rework the island quest rewards.

My first thought is, about these island quest rewards. They should only offer 10% boosts to either attack or defense. The +30% is making cities literally impossible to take. With defenders getting the boost for 8 hrs on 1 city, and the attackers only 4-4.5 for 1 city, its taking the fun out of attacking. Maybe the attack reward could be extended to all cities like the favour reward does. That way people could attack from multiple cities without requiring a attack quest reward for each individual city. That would make it more fun, and even the playing field slightly for attackers like myself. No one wants a sim city style game here. We want a all out war.

Also I am still patiently awaiting the re-working of the myth units. They just do not pan out for the damage and cost. Take the hydra for example, 5 LS=1000 attack power, 1 hydra same pop usage 1 hydra=1000 attack power. And hydras are far slower than LS. Defensively they are weaker than Bireme, B=960 H=715. Not to mention their staggering favour cost of 400. Why would anyone ever use Hydras? And there are other myth units with the same disadvantages that I will not elaborate on. But you get the picture Inno.

In my personal opinion the anti timer should be done away with also. Whats the point of setting everything up for a massive group attack, getting up in the middle of the night to launch attacks, only to have the anti timer throw you ahead 10 seconds past lets say the CS landing time? What a waste of time and energy. Frustrating as heck too.

Thats all I have time to ramble on about right now, but I will post some more 2moro.


There are ways around it but yes!

I build 500hm and attack a city, kill everything lose almost all my hm and in the time it takes me to rebuild men, a week btw, (75hm with Population Growth takes 25hrs without gold and gets kill by 20 hl) somebody else whose 10x my size walks into the other guys city I've cleared.

Fabulous system you've got there, buy gold or waste your time and hope the other player quits.


Again more unfair defense bonuses. Attacking will be more and more difficult. When Inno continues with this, I will stop playing this game soon and with me many others. The defenders and builders will remain and Grepolis will change into Simcity. Please stop destroying your own game, Inno! The advantages of the defender are:
1. Wall and tower
(luckily, the tower will be neutralized by the war council by the rebalancing)
2. Group advantage
3. Slow colo ships
4. Transport boats sinking on biremes
5. Overpowered fire ships
6. Toolbox alarm
Even if a player is not online, he will get a message he's being attacked so he can respond directly. The only advantage of the attacker, the surprise effect, is almost gone.
7. The island quests.
The defense bonus of the island quests give you 30% extra defense power for all the troops in one city, including support. That is very much by big numbers. The attack bonus give you 30% extra attack power for one city. This means that you can do just one attack with the attack bonus, because the troops will be dead after the fight. So the attacker has to do on every attack another bonus, the defender just needs one.
8. The Heroes. I am afraid that this is the same story as the island quests, but I am not sure about it.

Many players can live with points 1 to 5, but points 6, 7 and 8 are examples of the doom of Grepolis.

you forgot to add morale as well lol


seems fun

lets rock and roll them in the game ,seems fun ;)



There are ways around it but yes!

I build 500hm and attack a city, kill everything lose almost all my hm and in the time it takes me to rebuild men, a week btw, (75hm with Population Growth takes 25hrs without gold and gets kill by 20 hl) somebody else whose 10x my size walks into the other guys city I've cleared.

Fabulous system you've got there, buy gold or waste your time and hope the other player quits.

Perhaps you should work with your alliance members to keep the city clear and conquer it. :rolleyes: