Individual Rewards until June 2013


kamikaze player = player who have most of his cities in deep enemy frontline, and who conquer a lot of cities in deep enemies territory,

kamikaze are the fighters that japan used in WW2 there suicide mission was to hit their planes into USA feelt and sunk with them.

I have a lot comments but not a single + rep :rolleyes:


Guys, keep the manga talk out of here please, it is way off topic. I don't want to close this thread.


kamikaze player = player who have most of his cities in deep enemy frontline, and who conquer a lot of cities in deep enemies territory,

kamikaze are the fighters that japan used in WW2 there suicide mission was to hit their planes into USA feelt and sunk with them.

I have a lot comments but not a single + rep :rolleyes:
thanks...and a +rep...nah won't let me...will have to spread around first to give again:rolleyes:


everyone has his own stories , wars and opinions depending on his position on the map. its tough to make calls like that because most poeple dont know/ care much about the stuff going on on the other side of the world. everything is still very local.


Yea, keke your ABP is looking pretty bad, whats wrong with you?? :eek:


because im starting to become really good at being as ineffective as possible. ( its not that easy actually)


What?? o_O Your credit card run out or something?

wow its hilarious how random your comments are :D

gold does not contribute anything to the BP ratio at all besides the usual 100 gold premium.

but anyway we have to watch out. ice inc for some off topic warnings very soon ^^
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wow its hilarious how random your comments are :D

gold does not contribute anything to the BP ratio at all besides the usual 100 gold premium.

Cuts unit time, rebuilds Ls nuke in 6 hours, sent


Think hard otherwise the only other thing is your activity is slipping

you actually have to be very active to be as ineffective as possible with your units. its not easy man. bp hiding everywhere, tough to dodge sometimes.

anyway we getting arrested by ice. better run now. im out.
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saying gold doesnt effect the ABP - DBP is completely nonsence.

other then the 100 premium of commander and captain which give u huge advantage, the huge advantage is as an attacker coz u can rebuild in 2 days what other build in 5.

As a defender ... well looooool ... if u have good alliance that send u resources + gold, u can never be conquered, coz you can gold the wall from 0 to 25 in 1 hour, u just need resources ... imagine golding birems factories so when the attacker know u have no birem and run his troops into a 1k birem golded wall that will be an other huge advantage


He may get more BP, but it doesn't necessarily effect the BP ratio. By mid-game, most people use advisors for the fighting bonuses, anyway.


saying gold doesnt effect the ABP - DBP is completely nonsence.

other then the 100 premium of commander and captain which give u huge advantage, the huge advantage is as an attacker coz u can rebuild in 2 days what other build in 5.

As a defender ... well looooool ... if u have good alliance that send u resources + gold, u can never be conquered, coz you can gold the wall from 0 to 25 in 1 hour, u just need resources ... imagine golding birems factories so when the attacker know u have no birem and run his troops into a 1k birem golded wall that will be an other huge advantage

missing the key point ;)

in the area of extreme bp ratios gold does not have any effect at all. why? because you dont do stuff like that. you cant play the game the usual way because you would end up with a pretty normal ratio.

i give you an quick example because we arent on the same page:

you wanna have the highest DBP ratio possible ( your farmspace lost while defending compared to attackers farmspace lost )
how to do that? you only get involved into one specific scenario : your alliances landed a cs and the enemy is trying to break the siege with LS.
you gonna send only LDU and leech bp without loosing one single unit. thats an example for getting an extreme ratio. there are many others. ( the ones for extremely bad ratios are more fun lol )
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