Boycott of Morale


xi doesn't have morale

and I think it reflects the players in the game.. the morale worlds fill up pretty fast


maybe they could make it so that there is no morale in the 4 core oceans, but morale could exist in the rim oceans to protect the noobs in those oceans from the big bad core players :p


maybe they could make it so that there is no morale in the 4 core oceans, but morale could exist in the rim oceans to protect the noobs in those oceans from the big bad core players :p

haha! but what about the noobs that land in the core ;)


they'll be rimmed and receive their morale protection in their new home ;)

haha seems fair

I actually don't like morale myself, but it wouldn't stop me playing a world.. I play iota and have done since it opened.. speed 1 would put me off more ;)

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
I just will never understand why people complain about morale being so awful. If you wanna complain about morale than let's complain abotu luck. Let's scrap them both, but let's not stop there. How about if you attack a player you automatically win? If you want their city, guess what it's yours! Certain factors of the game make it more challenging. I can say as a 400k player on a morale server that even if I attack a player significantly smaller than myself I plan ahead for the morale. If a player that large can't grasp the idea that it's gonna be harder to take a city from a smaller player and that they need to plan accordingly then they clearly need to quit. Morale makes the game challenging in that growing gets harder, if it's too hard go play farmville


haha seems fair

I actually don't like morale myself, but it wouldn't stop me playing a world.. I play iota and have done since it opened.. speed 1 would put me off more ;)

Speed is much moe important, but it is fair enough to have the different speeds, whereas morale as it is protects the smaller player, no matter their actually size, if they are proportionally smalled then their attacked they will almost certainly win!
As Uber says, put a cap on morale!
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what if you were the 36 k player being attacked by a 500 k one
im sure you would want it then yourself
i personally think its a good thing myself to have the morale setting as it does give the smaller guys a chance to defend them self
so thats a big no from me


Well I'll just continue not buying gold and we'll say that it is in protest of morale

Haha, you made my day.

So, when your troops fight at 33% power you earn 3x as many BPs as you would normally do. That helps earn CPs and without CPs you can't grow.

Um, no? Have you ever actually attacked anyone?

Honestly, I disagree with the idea of morale but i understand why it was added. I have tried in vain to defend an alliance from a much larger opponent and to be honest, we got our faces kicked in. We were all new players(on alpha) and we were facing vets from previous games like TW. Morale would have helped a good amount in this situation. It would have allowed us to stand up to players with 10 cities before we had 2.

On the other hand, my current alliance in alpha is at war with a much larger alliance again. The players are generally twice our size(100k to 200k), however, we are holding our own and proactively winning. Should they be punished just because they are larger players but we are outplaying them?

I think the best solution for morale would be to make it stop taking effect after a limit like 25k-50k. Generally, once you have 4-5 cities, you can hold your own against a larger player but sniping and working together. This way, morale would help players who are just starting out have a crutch until they are at a point where they should be able to hold their own, yet, it does give them an unfair advantage once they are a large player themselves.

I am aware of it happening last year, but as was suggested in another thread, a new poll should be held now as you should always double check your results...

You know that an actual poll of all players will almost always end in favor of morale. The fact is that younger players are generally more in favor of morale and sadly they outnumber the stronger players. This is a sad truth so you might as well accept morale.

*Note, I have never actually played on a world with morale so this is a observation from others stories and not from my personal experience.
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You do realise your are not the first to propose this kind of action, right? There were polls held exactly as you described, and an overwhelming majority of players voted FOR the morale system. I think this happened mid-last year, when Morale was first introduced.

ppl back then didnt know what they'll be facing if you ask me

Maybe the morale should be turned off for players who play the server for over 2-3 months ? Or that :
I think the best solution for morale would be to make it stop taking effect after a limit like 25k-50k.

As i said in the other thread, its unnormal for some players that started at the same time, to have 100k difference in their total points. I can name a dozen players that started at the very start of the server with me and they still have 1500-2000 points and every few weeks i spy on them and see that they have 300-400 units in their cities. Few months ago when i had 70-80% morale attacking them, i cleared them regulary, but now i cant even do that.
So tell me what kind of players have 2k points for over 4 months of play ? And they are not 2-3, they are many on such world like Mu
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ppl back then didnt know what they'll be facing if you ask me

Actually they did, but as I said on another thread, smaller players outnumber larger players and smaller players tend to favor morale. You just have to deal with it

As i said in the other thread, its unnormal for some players that started at the same time, to have 100k difference in their total points. I can name a dozen players that started at the very start of the server with me and they still have 1500-2000 points and every few weeks i spy on them and see that they have 300-400 units in their cities. Few months ago when i had 70-80% morale attacking them, i cleared them regulary, but now i cant even do that.
So tell me what kind of players have 2k points for over 4 months of play ? And they are not 2-3, they are many on such world like Mu

It is quite possible to have large players branch out from the core and start fighting in the smaller oceans. I know that is not hte case with brand new worlds, but in worlds like alpha, around july, new players were coming into the world with 100k players in neighboring oceans.


What does "small player" means ? If you dont play actively , you dont care about the game and you dont read the forum. So how we know if small players tend to like the morale or not ?
P.S. i started to play grepolis on Delta, so i dont actually know if there were surveys about the morale before that and what were they like


small player means a player who is um small? Morale favors those smaller player hence they tend to prefer to have that boost. And someone correct me if I am wrong, but the polls that were put up on the forums(other then the 10k against one) generally show over 50% in favor of morale.


i will never play another morale world. i played theta until i had to quit and i'm on Xi now. Xi has no morale and i couldn't be more pleased.

i don't think skilled players should be penalized and i don't think poor players should be rewarded. on most worlds it takes a considerable amount of time for the core players to get out towards the rim. by then the rim players should be able to hold their own.

i've been in the top five on both servers i've played. i started on the rim in theta and morale only hampered me there, it never helped. i started in the core on xi without any morale to hamper me. it is certainly possible to thrive and succeed on the rim without a morale penalty for the successful players.

everytime i hear a player that likes morale i think, that is a poor player since morale only aids the inept and inactive. perhaps there are really good players who enjoy morale but i've yet to meet one.


It is against the rules of the forum and grepolis to rebel. Just saying you should be banned tom.