Announcement Grepolympia Opens!

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team


Dear Players,

This year again, your team of athletes are taking their places on the starting lines and doing their warm-up exercises. It’s time for the event that everyone has been waiting for… Grepolympia will open on Monday, August 5th at 9am GMT+2 in the morning!

Pit your athletes against opponents from other cities in Grepolis to win laurels to spend on spells and items in the special Grepolympia store.

Every day you can train your athletes and enter them into a race, and the better their placement, the more laurels you can earn!

For more information about how to participate in Grepolympia and start earning laurels to spend in-game, visit the help wiki here.

We hope to see you there!

All the best,
Your Grepolis Team