Intermediate Leaving a Legacy


Ladies and Gentlemen

I wish you all the best, but as for me I will have to quit Grepolis all together including the GFX business. I would like to thank you all as you have helped, guided, and taught me. I will take these lessons for my daily walk in life. I have left a legacy and hope that you young, amateur artists will pick up from where I left off. I would loike to thank the many friends I have in DragonKiller8, dogukankurt, alpha911, and bianh. Thanks to you four for helping me and encouraging me especially as a beginner (very special thanks to Drago who has helped me more than anyone) I could not find better friends than the ones I have found here! And to alpha911 my "Aprentice" I give you all the requests in my shoppe. Thank you. As I am leaving it would not be proper to leave without a grand exit. I give you my final and (in my opinion) my best piece of Artwork yet...

Thank you and keep on keepin' on...

tommymcm... OVER AND OUT! :)