Pnp Masters of Warfare


Yes, I'm talking about XXXIII. If you're not bored with them yet (as I'm getting), read on.

Let's do an overview of what both sides have achieved in those 2 days since this war has gone full-scale.

My defense BPs:


They haven't taken a single city from me. Wait... let me think. No, they haven't even sent a CS. Why waste all those troops and ships and not attempt a conquest? I can think of only one reason. To give your opponents lots and lots of BPs.


My attack BPs:


THIS is how it's done. I took 2 cities from them in those two days.


This is who they're fighting:


And this is them:


If I were a member of XXXIII I would be so embarrassed by now that I would just quit the game and start a turnip plantation or join a traveling circus or something else I would be good at. Because, guys, let's face it: You're NOT good at this.

People from all corners of the world can expect to see a Victory procession if they look out of the window. We've been celebrating for two days straight and there's no end in sight. Thank you, XXXIII.

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