Pre World Farsala Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter DeletedUser5832
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Stop releasing so many worlds so quickly! You are getting the same world hoppers for every server! All of these worlds are basically the same! More original ideas like Hero Worlds and Elysian Fields!

And I must say these settings look very odd. Unit Speed 3 combined with Game Speed 1? 250 cap but only 4 days of BP?

the setting for the world are out.


Dang... And here I was hoping for a nice server so I could start grepolis again after a 2 year break. But with morale active and a high unit speed I guiss this server is not really for me... Now it will probaly be like new year when I can start playing again on a server to my liking. Assuming this server fills up a lot slower then the last one...


The settings have been announced.

Please note, this world is being released with not a lot of notice due to the speed Edessa filled up. I am holding back on settings, with the intention of using better ones at a later date, one where we can stage a launch and hype the settings a little more.


THANK YOU.... I was lighting up my fire - and then I saw this. It is critically important that your fans think you listen. Otherwise we just give up and start looking for another game.. and that would be a damn shame since Grepo is the best MMORTS in my opinion.

Okay... opening my wallet ... putting my credit card back in... closing wallet. I will wait a little longer and tell my team to hold on too. Seeya in a few weeks.


I do listen, it is why I make these threads. There are business needs, and there are customer needs, we have to consider both. When I released Calydon, I hyped it. It was a server with settings which are asked for on a regular basis. I was informed we were releasing a server in the next 24 hours, as a result of business needs. It seemed, to me at least, a poor idea to hand out setting people have been waiting for on a server we are giving 24 hours notice to.

I cant of course make any promises to you about when the next world will be released, or if it will be your ideal settings, but please rest assured, I am reading, and I am listening.


Deeply disappointed! Delphi is dying....! I will be forced to walk away from Grepo altogether if a new 3/3 or better revolt world does not appear soonish! Only ONE, lone customer.... I know..... But really??? SO many asking for another fast world...... And NO JOY! Ugh!! Does anyone actually pay ANY attention to this forum?? Pfft!


Looks like I'll enjoy at least one more month off of the game.


Too many bad worlds are being released. Good worlds are being closed for dropping below x amount of active players in that world. When there are 50-odd worlds of course there aren't going to be as many players on each world. What needs to happen is to make only 1 world conquest 1 world revolt each year at medium settings (no morale lol ;) ) so it can meet people halfway. Oh yea and wonders suck if you haven't already been told.


Ummm this is way too early for a new world... I understand this was a business need but seriously?


launch times are never released, going on the launch time of the last 50 odd worlds it will be around noon GMT+1


how about re-directing ppl to the ris of existing servers? maybe fill them up before opening more


Well anyone else like me is going to make an alliance i am going to found my alliance there Ultimate Destroyers it will be an elite alliance want to be in my alliance please contact me in that world and also my alliance direction would be South-East.


im thinking of giving it a go now my busy work schedule has finished
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