Problem with Iota


Hahha..Honestly I've never even heard of you so you can't have much to say my friend. ;)

Come to Ocean 56..Hmm..I'm right there by the border so technically you can say I'm in Ocean 56..Even if I did move I'd never get hit.. like now.. :p

I wonder how fast I can turtle it up?!?! Hmm..Let's see if I can get more than 350+ pegys in my city..I think that sounds amazing ! :)

lOZZA Started this with her,we are bored comments!:p
If you are bored then do something about it and get a decent op against us.
Oh yes you are not able to do this any more,and one of your most active atackers sends peg nukes:p(I have seen this 3 times from reports) I can see why.
oh and take alook how many citys TDC,BC,SL have taken lately,pfg,finglas,lozza,katergaris.
at least there is still dd left to have fun with down south.

Hahahaha..Yeah..Look how many alliances against UNT..Hahaha..Yeah..You can't have one alliance they all have to be each others lap dogs..But hey go figure. :p
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to clear biremes? why? you need DBP? and you whant to say that you have more LS then I. hahahahaaaa. you was attack me, remember. no much LS nukes in your 48 cities if I can remember. or you whant to try again?


Hahahhaa..I never said I had more LS' did I? Hmm..When I re-read that I didn't see that..Who said I sent ALL my LS at you?! LMAO..

You already had alliance support there within a few hours anyways so was kinda myself against your 10 alliances, aye?

Or can you prove otherwise?


Hahha..Honestly I've never even heard of you so you can't have much to say my friend. ;)

Come to Ocean 56..Hmm..I'm right there by the border so technically you can say I'm in Ocean 56..Even if I did move I'd never get hit.. like now.. :p

I wonder how fast I can turtle it up?!?! Hmm..Let's see if I can get more than 350+ pegys in my city..I think that sounds amazing ! :)

I am just a big turtle as you say.I model myself on the turtle gods, rocky,princess.
any way getting the better of a turtle should not be too difficult for the attacking brilliance of unt! oh wait yes that is the problem:p


I am just a big turtle as you say.I model myself on the turtle gods, rocky,princess.
any way getting the better of a turtle should not be too difficult for the attacking brilliance of unt! oh wait yes that is the problem:p

Attacking brilliance of UNT? Hmm..I don't think your 10 alliances are much better ! ;) I've seen some pretty n00by hits within y'alls ranks.. ;) I won't say everyone as every alliance has their "better" attackers, and every alliance has their not so good attackers so really you can't bring that argument up and expect my win my friend. I don't think anyone could.. :rolleyes:

Aider you are boring. bye bye

Yeah..I'm starting to say the same about you guys ! :p lmao..

Btw - Cyaa scucko ! :)


I dont understand where you get 10 alliances from,tdc is more than capable of stopping a few unt,dd strikes at once,as we often do,as is the same for BC. maybe if you were not so deluded in the early days in thinking you could walk over may have more loyal trustworthy alliances you could rely on too,maybe that is the reason for your downfall?


Well darn ! The old days..We won't get started on them ! :p

Maybe if you woke up and realized it isn't JUST Bad Co, or JUST TDC, or JUST whoever else you guys have working with you.. ;)

I find it funny how you put "TDC" is more than capable of stopping a "few" UNT. :p
You saying you use that shared support tab quite often if its more than just a "few"? ;)
However, I honestly don't care how your alliance is ran you guys do what you do and we do what we do..However, It's just sad when Op time comes around it's not JUST TDC, or JUST Bad Co..It's the "Bad Co Coalition". ;)
I think we're all lacking in the holding good op category.. ;) But as scucko has said "time will tell".

And a more trustworthy alliance? Hmm..I've been with the group of people I'm playing with now since day 1 and wouldn't go anywhere else..Thanks for your input though.. It's appreciated however declined. ;)

Anyways, I think I'm done here..I got some things I need to get done..It's been nice talking to you all. :)


I'm plenty respectful to most people on these forums. Not to you Ceno. Definitely not to Barbie. Neither you nor barbie have earned it. You have by your behavior and demeanor earned quite the opposite. And not just from me/UNT in general. Iota know you for what you are. You've earned the bashings you get and I've had friendly relationships with most of my enemies save you guys.

I even got on with Syl "behind closed doors".

What this is I think is just a couple of scrawny boyz getting sand kicked in their faces their whole lives bringing the big chip they have on their shoulders to this game.

You want respect? Earn it. Don't just expect it. You both lack integrity, intelligence, and basic humanity, so I won't be expecting much in the way of positive actions from either of you anytime soon.

This is the only world I've encountered where players genuinely have disdain and contempt for an alliance and its original players.

You think you're not largely to blame for that? OMG. I remember reading your messages back when we used to PM in game thinking "does this guy separate the game from reality?". You actually treat people here as though they are an actual enemy and you don't think there is going to be a response to that? Get over yourself. You are not the victim here. You are as much an instigator for all of this as anyone else. You make me sick.


Who save me or BBCue, not you. I never did come on here Bashing any-one you started the Bashing it just that I won't BOW down to you I have earned more respect by the PPL I played with then you ever will, even the ppl in the past that was in your EVO Alliance didn't like you as much as you think they Did Learn how to talk to ppl because you really not all that you think you are Jenn.

PS.Come to think about this I have only 57 post on here and I didn't even go and read them you show me 1 post i did where I bashed any-one on here the way you do by trying to down grade ppl the way you do even now as i'm posting these last few post have I disrespected you or call you a name as you do (NO) as you say
(You want respect? Earn it. Don't just expect it.)
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I'm plenty respectful to most people on these forums.

Jenn, you give only your own players and those you are allied respect. Everyone else you call noobs, uber noobs, nubs, hypocrites, people who suck, crappy players, a joke, boring, daft, lazy, apathetic, whiner, pathetic, noobtards, cheaters, and simmer. All repeated like 10 times just this thread. Too bad I can't use those words, even if they apply. At least your insults were more creative months ago when you used more derogatory language. Why not just be more flagrant and throw in a cuss word for good measure?

Then you de-rep players with comments like this without bothering to sign your de-rep

You're right, here you can get away with disrespecting everyone who's not on your side, including my players and my allies who you don't know from Adam and blame for your boring experience in Grepolis. If this was Skype...

Feel big enough yet or have you invented more insults? Please send more insults since your claims of integrity, intelligence, and basic humanity can't be further from the truth. And many of those claims over the past year have come from your former players.

P.S. Syl shares with me his feelings about you - even while he's been away. Sometimes your conversations make you guys sound like the "odd couple." I can promise you, its not what you think.
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lol syl and jen got on fine in the end... and tell that man to check his FB if you speak to him :D

see the thing is, we got on with TBE when we were at war, later they joined us. We got on with Little brother, I'm still friendly with many of them, we got on with kotor our first big war (played with em in an alliance on another world as a result of us waring here), I've chatted with 300 who were legacy and we warred, some of the ex-hive players I chat to still etc ones that come to mind. So we don't have issues with players we war with really. Often they've become allies or friends and played on new servers with em.

ok I take your point on Elias, he was the same in the alliance too lol not saying we've not had some players who are rude, but actually what is left in UNT are mainly the nice ones ;)

Mainly it's not what gets said on the forum either, banter is fun.. actually posting this has motivated me some and I'm going to do something about my boredom so watch out. but it's the other stuff, the in-game stuff, the behind closed doors stuff that causes the issues. You do have the most offensive (verbally rather than game wise lol) bunch of players I've ever come across. I'm not that offensive in game and I don't send crappy mails much, yet I still get a bang load of em from your guys. Most the time I laugh but you can see why maybe not everyone had respect for that.

We're not perfect, but clearly we don't have a pattern of not getting on with enemies, in fact I hardly ever take a dislike to someone, I'm a big softie! lol so there has to be some responsibilty on tdc's/bad co's side.


What lozza said. I've gotten on with MOST of my enemies and have congratulated them in mails or here on the forums (Pekk of DLE comes to mind) when they've done well, which Pekk really did. I had relations with the leadership of old Delian League (Banter while attacking each other), KOTOR (Actually staged a war with the leadership of one of their branches. LEGION was bored never getting hit. Thank you KOTOR for helping me spice it up), Slaughterers (Manu), TDC (syl...yes despite the forum banter we could get along just fine). Got on with TBE pretty well when they were bashing us up North, and I/UNT still get on with them.

If you played like Pekk, barbie...I might give you some praise. But you don't. If you were a gamer like Pekk or any of the other enemies I've mentioned here we might have had some nice banter in game. But, you're not. And...I recall that we did have decent relations early on. I was quite respectful of you until you wigged out over our VM stunt. Guess you've forgotten about that? You flipped on the forums, and called us all names, and went WAY over the top. You have NEVER let that go and that is your problem, not mine.

So, you see...the problem is YOU barbie. Just YOU. So, when you're getting bullied by all those big bad girls out there in the world maybe you should consider that the problem might be YOUR actions that they are responding too.

P.S. Elias. Yes, he was rude to everyone. I'm guessing he's even rude to his own reflection in the mirror.

P.P.S. Anything you say about people not liking me or what they think of me I can only consider BS. If someone has a problem with me and they want to say something to me themselves about it we can chat. But you've made up so much BS...stuff that I KNOW...even if the rest of Iota isn't sure about the facts, that I KNOW isn't true that anything you say about anything I automatically write off as BS.
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Most all of this does not pertain to me, but I will say that me and Jennesis did have a rough patch near the end of TBE, but that was my fault I was taking this game WAY to much to heart.

Now to the referance of quaking and lighting bolt someone... very cheap tactic and to be honest very crass...

The thing that gets me is that the smaller players have gotten into this... well the funny thing is quaking/bolting a big player is not a smart idea, and here is why:

-a smaller player dvelops Favor very slowly for maybe a quake/ 2 - 3 bolts a day (in a rotationsense)
-it takes longer for a smaller player to pool resources to rebuild

-a larger player gets a lot more favor build up and in the case of myself I can in a 24 hour period get in enoughfavor for 3-4 EQs and 10-11 bolts.
-a lager player can transfer a bit f resources in from other cities and fix what was destroyed

-premium most all larger players have it...while the smaller do not again contributing to all the above.

So my point is that a small player going the route of casting thse on a larger player may seem like they are doing something... but in truthare not doing much at all other than irrtating the larger player and getting themselves on a rotation... just ak Joe(whatever else his name is) geting me to cast on them in rotation basis real stinks for them...


there was a guy called sir.k used to bolt me all time! was really annoying cos he had like 4 cities and I didn't wanna take them cos a) morale sucked and b) they were most likely built badly. Also didn't wanna waste my favour on him. though eventually got bored and got the whole of Evo to mass bolt him over 1 day lol he never did it again ;)
I'm not against bolting as such just isn't something I wanna waste my favour on as a rule. quakes ofc are useful if attacking and there is troop defence.


LOZZA!!!! take a deep breath and remember there only bad co lol

Their like zits ugly, annoying, irritating appear at the least convenient time. you poke, prod, squeeze, in any form attack them and they just fill up.

They attempt to take over but fail to see there small and insignificant. Some people have real problems with this its called acne similar to an alliance.

There is ways to beat them though you can pay your way to getting rid of them but there some many premium products, which is the best one to use who knows.

but at the end of the day if you leave them alone you often find they self destruct and go away on there own.

Chin up on that zip free face :D
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LOZZA!!!! take a deep breath and remember there only bad co lol

There like zits ugly, annoying, irritating appear at the least convenient time. you poke prod squeeze in any form attack them and they just fill up.

They attempt to take over but fail to see there small and insignificant. Some peoplehave real problems with this is called acne similar to an alliance.

There is ways to beat them though you can pay your way to getting rid of them but there some many premium products, which is the best one to use.

but at the end of the day if you leave them alone you often find they self destruct and go away on there own.

Chin up on that zip free face :D

I would +rep, but I give it to you too often ! :p


hey if anyone is the giver in our relationship its me. now shut up and accept me lol