Rate The Player Above



Alliance: 8/10 Like Alice and Nemo but they need to kick out those without any LS because if they can't help you attack at this stage they are taking up space.

Points: 10/10 - Hoe :p

ABP: 10/10 - Man has a strategy and it works for him.

Total BP: 11/10 when you are number one you desrve one extra.

Location: 10/10 War with Nemo ever breaks out JACKPOT!! :)

Reputation: 9/10 We know him from Kappa as the face of CS but he is just a name, no gimmick or avy so can't give him a 10.

Total: 58/60 right?


Alliance: 10/10
Points: 10/10 - Hoe :p
ABP: 10/10 - (single no in ranking)
Total BP: 10/10 (single no in ranking)
Location: 10/10
Reputation: 9/10 could only cut points out here;) + dont wanna give 50 cause nobody is perfect :p except me:cool:

49/50 great


Alliance: 9/10 Pretty good for a small alliance.
Points: 8/10 Decent points but kind of low average city size.
ABP: 8/10 - Not terrible. Not great either.
Total BP: 7/10 ratio of abp to dbp is not laudable.
Location: 10/10 core
Reputation: 7/10 a gift as i don't know you from this world or theta.

49/60 not too bad.


alliance: 9/10 coz the perfect alliance doesn't exist
points: 10/10 4th place, can't complain about that
ABP: 10/10 also 4th, 3rd to reach 50k, right up there
total BP: 9/10 not much DBP but still #8
location: 10/10 core ocean, battle frontline
reputation: 8/10 not many posts, but i'm sure most players would recognise him. clever posts.

56/60, doesn't get much better!


alliance: 10/10 coz i am rediculusly biased :p
points: 9/10 15th is good, but would have to be in top 12 to get the full marks
ABP: 8/10 also Very good, but not the best...
total BP: 7/10 not been attacked enough im afraid
location: 10/10 nowhere is better.
reputation: 9/10 no problems at all, not seen you in petty fights, and i see lots of green bars

total = 53/60


Alliance: 9 (PV very strong and agressive, would give a 10n but no body is perfect)
Poins: 6 (In the top 150 and thats why, if in top 100 would be an 7-8)
ABP: 7 (In the top 150 again but nearly on the border line of the top 100, keep it up!)
Total BP: 5 (In top 200, not good defensive BP but agression help his BP total! Keep it up and you be there soon)
Location: 8-9 (In PV infested area, but with that low BP stashes, may suffer because of that, but also great support if under attack)
Reputation: 6 (Seems ok and active, I think he comments on what he believes. PV is lucky to have you!)

Total 42/60 (May have done maths wrong)


I can vouch for mike as far as his defensive abilities are concerned zues, if my memory serves me he was one of the top defenders in Iota, cost me LOTS of biremes he did!! :D

O.K, here goes ZUES ......

Alliance: 8/10 ( We need to push this up to 9/10 )
Points: 7/10 ( Expect you to hit top 40 soon )
ABP: 7/10 ( You are active and will improve )
Total BP 6/10 ( Not far off my DBP, keep attacking )
Location 9/10
Reputation 7/10 (Good Team Player)

Total 44/60


I thought some one would have done you Manos :(

Well Manos here it is :D

Allaince: 9/10 (Were now number one, but PV will take it back. But we might enjoy it while we can)
Points: 8/10 (Above me now but not for long :D, ranked very good and increasing rapidly)
ABP: 9/10 (Top ten, enough said)
Total BP: 8/10 (Top 40, Very active and planning some attacks soon)
Loaction: 7/10 (Of course only because he's next to me :p, good location and filled with active CS members)
Reputation: 7/10 (Team player, active and always there for anyone)

Total 48/60 (May have done maths wrong)