Spartan Assassin Event Discussion


Congrats inno on killing Grepo.

The manticore situation is idiotic. My last world, and you wont be getting any more money out of me.


Well, thanks for the info. I will assume it sticks around indefinitely for the world, and hang on to what I was given...


well don't participate then

Well, that isn't really an option is it? Given every man and his dog, or child with access to his parents credit card has access to manticores and Erinyes all day.

The upshot - we cant hold a siege, or avoid constant attacks from mantis. Your only hope is to keep up with, or ahead of, the Joneses..

I hate the event..point and click, point and click, point and click until my RSI is screaming - and yet, anyone can see I am playing, because if I dont - well I might as well just hand my cities over.

It is one thing to give away harpys - that is a nice reward. Manticores are very different - the whole point of them, is that they are special..and now they arent.

Next game, forget the point and click, just give me the battle token shop and let me go spend from my credit card, and lets stop pretending it is any kind of 'game'.

I respect the designers of this game..I have a long history of computer game addictions, and this is my worst by far - in a good way :) I am totally and completely absorbed. For that, the writers and providers of the game should be paid well.

I therefore do not mind spending gold and making sure that happens.

These games, however..and this is only my second..seem to be designed utilising all the well known 'hooks' built into addictive gambling games. You have made something which is triggering human reward centres, thereby creating an addictive behaviour.

PLEASE be above this - the game is good enough.

I am hooked, I am intending to stay till the end, and I will continue to spend gold to pay for my fun.

One more 'event' like this one, and that will almost certainly change.


I like it

Has its balance issues as others have mentioned
But all events have their balance issues

These do not seem as bad as most


The community reward point requirements are ridiculous.

In Bhyrtos we won't even make it half way to the 2nd reward before the event finishes.


the event isn't all that bad imo; not wildly interesting, but not as unbalanced as some we've had. Agree the community award requirements are totally laughable. On en67 where we're down to less than 400 players we've had the full set for a few days now, but on Bhrytos we're hardly scratching the surface.


Personally I think this mini game is really..... really badly thought through..

I was forced to activate VM for a few days due to a personal issue and while I was away I missed the first community award on Bhrytos. I complained to support arguing that since I had partisipated in getting the community to the award I should therefore be rightfully rewarded right?....

Apparently Not...

As a result I would argue that as I was unable to be online to accept the spell due to VM, I have been placed at an unfair disadvantage as Iam not benefitting from the 60% resource bonus for 5 weeks unlike other players. Not only that but I did help the community to reach that level and have had the reward witheld from me due to what is in my view a really poorly thought through concept. I realize Iam not going to be awarded this award but I think that it is highly unfair to withold an award that should rightly be mine.

I would like the designers of this game to take note that I think this game is poorly thought through and poorly concieved in the way in which the prizes are awarded. I hope that in future the designers take alot more consideration in the way in which the prizes are awarded in future.

*Note* Please Ignore My negitive rep, I have been apart of a negitive rep campaign on another board.


the community goal is ridiculous ! we got it on sinope and taras super quick where as on AChilles (my main world) there is no way we will even get to the third reward ... they calculated it all wrong ;..

And it's all one big money game now. Just look how they made it look nice and shiny with a "chance to get something delivered by post if you complete an armour first in your world". WHy can't we go back to playing some good old grepolis !


This is the community award progress for Bhrytos...



Not a bad event...seems to cover most worlds with applicable rewards to that world...IE. no coins in Hyperborea..
-Community Goals...I like it..should be adjusted to account for the world population.. smaller world population have smaller goals to achieve
-troop Builds...they should use comparable populations amounts..

Suggestion..For Inno to stop appearing to be "Gold Whores" place a daily spending cap on each event. A smaller spending limit would hamper the Credit Card players buying their way through the game. It might also allow those skilled players to compete with the cash cows and create a competitive environment.
Right now INNO caters... to those that have the deepest pockets...some display of ethics rather than a constant display of avarice would go along way at this point...


Not a bad event...seems to cover most worlds with applicable rewards to that world...IE. no coins in Hyperborea..
-Community Goals...I like it..should be adjusted to account for the world population.. smaller world population have smaller goals to achieve
-troop Builds...they should use comparable populations amounts..

Suggestion..For Inno to stop appearing to be "Gold Whores" place a daily spending cap on each event. A smaller spending limit would hamper the Credit Card players buying their way through the game. It might also allow those skilled players to compete with the cash cows and create a competitive environment.
Right now INNO caters... to those that have the deepest pockets...some display of ethics rather than a constant display of avarice would go along way at this point...

Yes, People quit for that reason.


My screen shows that there is 4 hours left for the Spartan Assassins event for spending. However the extended storage is already gone, and therefore my favor for collecting the uniforms. Big BOO HOO


My screen shows that there is 4 hours left for the Spartan Assassins event for spending. However the extended storage is already gone, and therefore my favor for collecting the uniforms. Big BOO HOO

Weird, mine isn't gone.


I'm posting in regards to the Halloween event but about events in general really.

I was looking for the halloween event discussion thread but didn't see one. So I'm using the most recent thread available.

Anyway, those "honor/blood/whatever" points we are collecting for the daily rewards - can we make them truly random?

If we can 'earn up to 10 points' then it should be 100% random not weighted towards twos and threes. Let's make it more luck based than gold based. :)

Although I'm not sure why I bother spending time and effort making these types of posts, not like anybody who can change it is listening.