Top/Flop Players of Tegea


Then you should also know its against rules to talk in Korean on english speaking server ;)

Most of the time its broken english..


He played with Queen Viv..

And of course being even associated with botters isn't pleasant. I never spoke to viv really, after leaving abdera i did ask if there was any truth to the accusations of her botting etc to which nothing was said.


Wow. Wish I would have listened to people that gave me the "wtf are you thinking" look when I told em I was going with Ryan and Amazons premade. Lesson learned.


how does it feel to share ally with botter/botters Baes?

lf1000 confirmed 3 day attackable.. oh huh boi.. i guess that explains a lot behind those "skilled korean" players..

Well you were saying at beginning of server you dont want to play with BZC and they arent good that they only bot... And anyone in the ally chat can confirm.... So hypocrite much?


Lol i dont go around talking about botters... What you do is on you... If you want to face the consequences


Well you were saying at beginning of server you dont want to play with BZC and they arent good that they only bot... And anyone in the ally chat can confirm.... So hypocrite much?

talk all you want, by this server ends im gonna rim you one way or the another :)


I'm sure you're not feeling that burn too badly, at least you aren't the one with yet another failed world alliance *cough* Amazon *cough*

Depends what you are in the game for. If you are in the game for the plastic crown's they hand out, then yeh, switching to whichever side appears to be winning, do whatever you can to make sure you are in the wonder team, then carry on.

I, like a fair few others on this server, just came back for a one time only deal, to play with people we can get on with, to have some fun, have a laugh, kill stuff.


We should keep score.


Lethal Bacon:1
King Molly:0

it really doesnt count when its the first town. you can put that down as a rimming if you like, but really, to be "rimmed" there should be a bare minimum number of cities involved.. i would say, 4/5 or more, and when op'd, is a rimming..