UF and TE??

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It's the way of playing a very smart war game in my books.

Your right it is smart, to plan against your future enemies while they still think you are friends. Then drop the pact while they are sleeping and send out a mass mail to hit your new enemies as hard as you can.

No really, surprise attacks are used all the time. Some are better at it then others. I'm not talking about LOP, Tribunal or the many others that simply just seemed to enjoy their Pacts so much they forget it a war game. Your friend can turn enemy or vice versa within minutes.

I agree with you about pacts, if a pact is no longer useful and there wasn't an agreed time to end it. It is subject to end at a moments notice.

What I do not agree on is the lack of respect you have towards those old pact members. In theory, you should end the pact before you make plans against them. You should send their leader a clear declaration of war. So the disrespect come from acting like your friends with them while planning their defeat.

oh-well, you wouldn't be the first alliance that uses a strategy I disagree with. Your alliance does it better then most you get your enemies not only to trust you but to count on your help before pulling the rug out from under them. You allow them to bit more then the can chew, dig their own grave, then you strike them when they need you the most. One can say you put them out of their misery.

“War is based on deception.”

Sun Tzu


I will just close the subject of my alliance so:

I will leave KE for TE/EF only because it didn't make sense to be the only one in the north. The other reason is that I promised it to my guys in the north as well as James and Komagos. I will keep that promise as soon as possible.

The south KE was always run by someone else in reality, Rich bragg, then Rowdy Dawg, I was the person keeping an eye on things like forums, diplomacy etc, but the guys were doing well on their own, and I believe that the current leaders will keep up the great job they are doing.

KE is my baby and I never intentionally did anything to hurt it and I never will.


Really?you are really going to leave KE and join EF!?
I would never guess that will happen.


Now you're getting a little freaky here adam :p jk
Anyways, it sounds like the leaders have had it under control then. Why have you been sticking around? The forums are easily managed by a small team and diplomacy doesn't happen much any more in Eta, believe me I know... A good leader can keep tabs on diplomacy enough to survive.


I explained before why did I stay behind:
1. rich quit,
2. new leaders were arguing too much,
3. Rowdy, Hugo and Matiss left to start CR
4. merge with HW

It was no secret for my alliance mates that I'm leaving, the question was when.

Thanks everybody for your concern.


@adamberr I wasn't trying to get you to leave KE. I was only questioning you motive for staying.

IF you don't like it in EF. I'm sure KE will gladly have you back.

Overall might be the best move because, we are going to attack your brothers (EF) you are obligated to help them. When that happens the war could have spread to the south.

This will allow you to help your northern friends without jeopardizing your southern friends.

Like i said, I believe KE will take you back at anytime.

good luck in what ever you decide.


The move was agreed months ago, regardless of the game politics (CR didn't exist then), it was rather a territory based decision.

Thanks for the kind words.

J.n.c 1993

Your right it is smart, to plan against your future enemies while they still think you are friends. Then drop the pact while they are sleeping and send out a mass mail to hit your new enemies as hard as you can.

No really, surprise attacks are used all the time. Some are better at it then others. I'm not talking about LOP, Tribunal or the many others that simply just seemed to enjoy their Pacts so much they forget it a war game. Your friend can turn enemy or vice versa within minutes.

I agree with you about pacts, if a pact is no longer useful and there wasn't an agreed time to end it. It is subject to end at a moments notice.

What I do not agree on is the lack of respect you have towards those old pact members. In theory, you should end the pact before you make plans against them. You should send their leader a clear declaration of war. So the disrespect come from acting like your friends with them while planning their defeat.

oh-well, you wouldn't be the first alliance that uses a strategy I disagree with. Your alliance does it better then most you get your enemies not only to trust you but to count on your help before pulling the rug out from under them. You allow them to bit more then the can chew, dig their own grave, then you strike them when they need you the most. One can say you put them out of their misery.

“War is based on deception.”

Sun Tzu

All I can say is we all play our game in our own different ways, I don't need people telling me what I should and shouldn't do. Maybe I am a little disrespectful to some but to many others I am respectful. But at the end of the day it's a Game. A war game where the unexpected could happen at any time. Don't like it? Then don't play...


I don't think the issue at stake here is what you should and should not do. Your honor is the matter in question. I believe that the bulk of the argument levied against you is that you have none. Whether that is right or wrong (in a moral sense) is inconsequential.

I don't have a position on this matter one way or the other, but I thought I'd go ahead and lay that out on the table. Do with it as you will.


Many of you would critisize James, but you can all say what ever you want while he conquers the world. just get this straight, he might not fight, he might not be eta's brightest warrior, but i did not see george bush carrying a gun in iraq and going to war, have you? neither has Adolf hitler, joseph stelin, or any other war leader i know of. HE COMMANDS! there are fighters and warriors, and then there are the expetional phenomenal leaders, and then there is james, the smart and wise leader. PERIOD.


Hmmm, that's interesting.... Too bad no one will care about it since you are old news and are irrelevent to the remainder of Eta...

Anyways, you do realise that you just compared james to two of the most horrible people in history, right? Hitler- caused a world war and the deaths of millions of jews. Even worse, Stalin- killed millions, difference he was so twisted that they were his own fellow Russians he was killing. Just a very light and quick review since you delved into it. Bush in some Americans opinions is a horrible leader too. Nice examples, come again :p


Wow, that's kind of scary that you would even compare James to those guys. I mean I don't mind talking to James, but I don't think I would ever want to talk to those other leaders you brought up ha.

By the way, maybe 20% of Americans agreed with Bush. Me being in the 80%.

Lastly, this is a game. This is a game. This is a game. You get it yet?

The matter in question is his decision making and his way of handling particular situations. We'll see how his decisions work out in the upcoming weeks. They have a lot of war fronts right now and not many allies backing them up.


Hmmm, that's interesting.... Too bad no one will care about it since you are old news and are irrelevent to the remainder of Eta...

Anyways, you do realise that you just compared james to two of the most horrible people in history, right? Hitler- caused a world war and the deaths of millions of jews. Even worse, Stalin- killed millions, difference he was so twisted that they were his own fellow Russians he was killing. Just a very light and quick review since you delved into it. Bush in some Americans opinions is a horrible leader too. Nice examples, come again :p

Why thank you ill keep passing by :p

you know i can compare an orange to the sun, as for both being orange, without actually meaning that the sun is as tiny as an orange nore that an orange is as hot as the sun. i compared james' position in a war to the same position of not only hilter or stalin, but litterally every other leader on this planet. if you get my point, No leader would personally go fight, however if he chose to it makes him extra noble, but it doesnt mean that those who dont chose to send out attacks are any less of noble men them selves :) stalin and hitler are indeed horrible people, i personally hate germany because of hitler and the german mantality, but i am not cocky nore am i arrogant enough to deny the greatness and the glory that hitler and others had once acomplished. i am a realistic person, i see facts, and leave my emotions and feelings aside to where they belong in such cases. no gray, just black and white.

Thanks :)


Wow, that's kind of scary that you would even compare James to those guys. I mean I don't mind talking to James, but I don't think I would ever want to talk to those other leaders you brought up ha.

By the way, maybe 20% of Americans agreed with Bush. Me being in the 80%.

Lastly, this is a game. This is a game. This is a game. You get it yet?

The matter in question is his decision making and his way of handling particular situations. We'll see how his decisions work out in the upcoming weeks. They have a lot of war fronts right now and not many allies backing them up.

The reply i gave to ace also goes out to you, and please dont go down that road with me, your not the 1st person to attempt telling me that this is a game. boy, if anyone shouted that this is a game on this forum, i would be the 1st, trust me :p


about george bush, you must know that i am in those 80% myself. i am a lebanese citizen, my country has been to war with israel for what now? 20 times? guess who agreed on them... George Bush... he basically killed my grandfother and my only consilation is that he will rott in hell... just for the record :) however i am Anti Hozb alla, just for the record aswell..
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Napoleon Bonaparte and Alexandar Macedonian were leading their troops both on front lines and leading the country,those were the true leaders,although I agree that leader dont need to be in front lines,he should just lead his people wisely and thats it.


some of my fav quotes. i actually follow these.

"A critic is someone who never actually goes to the battle,
yet who afterwards comes out shooting the wounded"

Tyne Daly

"It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts,
than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence."

Mohandas Gandhi

"There are times when a battle decides everything,
and there are times when the most insignificant thing can decide the outcome of a battle"

Napoleon Bonaparte

"A leader who doesn't hesitate before he sends his nation
into battle is not fit to be a leader."

Golda Meir


"It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts,
than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence."

Mohandas Gandhi

My other favourite also
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Like them both because they are so true and perfect in real world.


haha yeah gandhi is one of my favs. napoleon has some good ones. heres one from him i find very true.

"A true man hates no one."

Napoleon Bonaparte


leaders job is to lead and fighters job is to fight. Both James and I agree with that. A good war plan will devastate the enemy more then one more fighter on the field.

The true reason JNC93 recruited ultimate force

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