Your rankings?


Here are my rankings with the interactions I have had with the alliances on Alpha.

1. TW-Shadow - I have played other browser games and have lead some very successful alliances in my time. An alliance can almost be compared to a human body its most vital organ the heart. The heart of a successful alliance is always its leader. Always active and always pumping fuel and energy to the rest of the body giving it life. Then you have the human brain which is the collection of all the intelligent players in the alliance that give the heart purpose and meaning. You put the heart and brain together and you form emotion. That is where players like me are born and reside. We bring compassion to those in need and we help them make the best out of their gaming experience. To our enemies we bring fear that if they make one little mistake or log out to sleep it could cost them drastically.

2. Dark Dragon Warriors - To my knowledge these players are elitists. Some people don't like elitists because they put in more time than others and have more success. Well this is a game and as you can see from the top scores on Alpha they hold many of those positions which need to be recognized. A great internet gamer once said "You're a pro or a noob, that's life."

3. Thunder Gods - Currently TW-Shadow's enemy with due reason. Although I may be destroying them on the battlefield I do have respect for them (well some of their actions). They keep the game active and fun to play and provide good challenges, entertainment and sometimes good conversations. They have the desire and enthusiasm to play this game and although I have not read all the forums I feel that the player base in this community are better than the average gamer. Whining is always frowned upon and trash talk is always welcomed in my book.

4 -5. I haven't had any dealings/observations/interactions with any other alliances so I can not rate them. So you can say that TG came 3rd on my list or you can say they came in last. However you want it.



1. TW-Shadow
2. DDW
3. Thunder Gods
4. Artemis
5. sparta


I am a little surprised with this?
Care to elaborate reasonings for your answer?

I simply feel that if you put any other alliance in the situation TG is in then I do not think they would do as well as they are doing. TW was meant to be 2nd I lost my bearings but I stand by them :) TW-S may do as well but as they are not in that situation then it is hard to gauge, hence why I put them 2nd


I simply feel that if you put any other alliance in the situation TG is in then I do not think they would do as well as they are doing. TW was meant to be 2nd I lost my bearings but I stand by them :) TW-S may do as well but as they are not in that situation then it is hard to gauge, hence why I put them 2nd

Fair enough

Many do not realise that DDW & TW are tough challenges and for TG to stand up to them and give them all we've got takes a lot. It's not easy, but we'll never give up. The fight will continue until a peace agreement is made, which there are no signs of.


Fair enough

Many do not realise that DDW & TW are tough challenges and for TG to stand up to them and give them all we've got takes a lot. It's not easy, but we'll never give up. The fight will continue until a peace agreement is made, which there are no signs of.

DTATDM, we all have agreed in this thread that DDW, TW-S, and TG are top tribes. But the thing is, it doesn't take much to stand up to players in online gaming. You just continue to play and ignore them. Although some of the consequences that come with ignoring TW-S and DDW is that you will be left with less cities.

Who talked about any peace agreements? That's not in our vocabulary. We will accept nothing short of a surrender and an apology to all of Alpha server for their behavior. You may have a lot of pride and never give up but that just shows not just us but your own alliance how selfish and prideful you are at the expense of your comrades being overwhelmed by superior forces that are constantly feasting on battle points off your cities.



Gauntlet, typical.

You could just as easily say we're feasting off of battle points from the myriad of inept assaults launched on us every day. This is old rhetoric. War was brought upon us, self defense is our communal right. If we fall, you'd just move on to the next biggest threat and war them. There is no selfishness, but there is pride in what we have accomplished, in our communal victories,... there will be no surrender. If anyone should be apologizing now, it is you.


I simply don't post a ranking in here as every ranking will be biased.

If I would have to make one,

TG would be on top, they are our main enemy and they showed excellent game play. If wonders would exist and the creme de la creme of TG and DDW merges the rest of the world would be screwed.

TW-S is a family tribe , and have a long record of playing games, they would be surely nr2 for me. Unlike TG I wouldn't want a merge as I never liked alliances with a lot of players, management of such alliances requires skills I don't have. Even now DDW that has more than 100 members is troublesome for me, I'm used to a well oiled alliance of no more than 65 members. However this game required adjusment to our playing style and due to the game more members where needed at DDW.

The only other alliance up in the running I would like to add is Artemis, they have some decent players by the looks of it that aren't afraid of using their troops.

Why I don't ad sparta, from my view point they are a joke, yes they are our enemy and took out some isolated members. But they are in essence a turtle alliance. Their only strenght is their cluster. Active attackers people with attacking skills can be brought down to 10 of their alliance.

Is my viewpoint biased regarding sparta, nope it's from the past month how they play. And as the game favours turtles we all know it's nearly impossible to break 1000 biremes defence.

As a sidenote, sparta asked DDW for a NAP an hour ago or at least a cease fire, it seems it's to costly in troops and it's just bp gain in their eyes .... I guess they are missing something there ... but helas our structure at DDW forces me to have my members to decide on their proposal so neglect my personal view on this.


SPARTA. We defend together, we win together, we are a close alliance. We are still here.

We have fought on the border for some weeks now, if there is more to this game than BP farming it is time to accept this NAP or cease fire (of which I have no details) and find new ways forward for both Alliances and their players, we have obligations beyond our own BP.


Mdshare, I feel compelled to correct you. SPARTA has not asked you for a NAP, I have. This is of my own doing and as I have told you the sentiment of SPARTA currently is quite the opposite.

The fact of the matter is we have a brilliant defence co-ordinator. Its something I found quite lacking in your alliance. While your system favours excessively active players it is a tactical nightmare for the mass of moderate skilled players.


Extist the small time you was with us you was restricted in access, didn't even have anymore forum or battle squads access after some forum leaks.

Simply as we are aware of your sending out info to detah, still lucky as several mass mails reached them that you got but at a lower rate than normal. And forum posts or battle squad posts where nill also.

Every alliance is different and yours is a turtle alliance focusses on biremes and barely offense. So in the true sence of the word you are turtles and shouldn't be up in the ranks. The only str you have is the cluster.

TG is offensive as defensive, they deserve the top spot, not a clustered alliance like sparta which is a turtle and only goes for isolated targets that can't get any support in time.

You was sadly left out of a lot extist, your only info was some mass mails....

btw when will you kick the 32 red dots and 14 yellow dots at SPARTA ?

They still eat defenses at no gain for you guys... we like to use troops on such targets for bp gain instead of giving away bp to active players.


mdshare, I appreciate your words vis-a-vis Artemis . . . I do find it interesting considering Artemis is a clustered alliance though by design of its leadership. I find that several of our present members will likely pass into the nether in time as is the natural course even if I will them otherwise. In time, new blood will find their way in neighboring oceans. I have even begun looking in other oceans nearby . . . but I prefer to do the no one send me a plea for an invite....unless you are mdshare wanting to help me build a presence in 55. JOKING man!


Your informant is feeding you false information. We have no reds whatsoever. Also while SPARTA does excel at defence I for one know that atleast our top players are offensive focused or balanced. Also I wasnt particularly feeding information to SPARTA. I as trying to find out who the spy was or is. Im finding it hard to remember much these days...

As this is a rankings I would have to admit DDW, TG, SPARTA and TW-S all deserve to be in the top 5. The 5th place is up for grabs as far as I'm concerned. I dont know any of the other alliances to well to comment on them.

Im not actually sure who deserves the number one spot. It would depend on how they are ranked. DDW certainly has some of the best individual players and TW-S is by far the biggest, TG has got the biggest balls and SPARTA, well I suppose I am biased so I best not comment...


It is no surprise seeing MD slating SPARTA after we destroyed over 1000 biremes on a conquest attempt.
So instead of being dragged through a mud slinging match, I will use simple stats that you can understand. It must also be noted that we are not a wholly core alliance and in fact we started a little later than the other three alliances.

The following stats show the average amount of BPa (total BPa / total members) for the 4 alliances that are being mainly discussed

DDW 10799 BPa per player
TW 6868 BPa per player
SPARTA 6575 BPa per player
TG 4791 BPa per player

This clearly shows SPARTA is not a "turtle alliance" as we are ranked 3rd in this world for average BPa and 2nd for average points per player (side note, only alliances with 10 or more members is included). I personally believe it is your frustration at being unable to break us that your ego must make such laughable claims. especially, as I can count on one hand the amount of CS attempts we have thrown at you in the last 2 weeks. I think it is quite clear we are not taking this incident all too seriously.

Just a side though but surely using your thought wave, I am left with the conclusion that TG must be a turtle alliance as they have a relatively low BPa average.


btw when will you kick the 32 red dots and 14 yellow dots at SPARTA ?

They still eat defenses at no gain for you guys... we like to use troops on such targets for bp gain instead of giving away bp to active players.

Hmm.... we have 114 members, by your claim this would mean we only have 68 active players
Based on mdshare`s info i would rank SPARTA #1, its just amazing what we can do with so little...


When will people learn that some threads are made to fuel PnP.

And killing your troops on inactives is far from glory, oh and even kicking 'actives' under attack still happens...

Guess ginsu is a costly one

and poor hernani

hernani today at 1:54 PM
your curiosity is the same as mine!!! I was pretty active, was about to take over castleland and then I log in next day and poof... sparta is gone!


The same goes for you mdshare:) Like what you said, those things happen. And you guys are not an exception;)

Like what mazze said.. SPARTA sure is amazing getting in the top ranks with just 68 active players;)


Mibsmob beat you in total BP what great heights in the rankings your soaring to!


I think I'll go with in no particular order;
DDW, TG, TW-S, ARTEMIS and PANTHERA I wont order them coz ppl will just start poking holes!