Is the USA the 'best country' in the World?

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Wasnt random at all. We had legitimate intelligence saying their leaders were there, so we went in.


You mean intelligence derived from torture and deceit?

Also just cause their leaders are there does not warrant an invasion of that country, and the disruption of their rights.

That country by law is equal to the USA, and so should be treated with respect. The USA has shown only contempt.



You mean intelligence derived from torture and deceit?

Also just cause their leaders are there does not warrant an invasion of that country, and the disruption of their rights.

That country by law is equal to the USA, and so should be treated with respect. The USA has shown only contempt.

Again with the torture and deceit argument? Must I repaste all my sources showing that most major countries use torture?

If the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey were crashed into as an act of terror, would England sit by? Wouldnt you want them to do EVERYTHING possible to stop those that did it?

Or would you want them to sit idly by and say, "Eh, maybe they wont do it again."

We did what was necessary to get the bad guys gone. Or would you rather Osama Bin Laden continue to roam around merrily?


England is arguable one of the best defended places in the World, more secure than America due to our gun regulations.

England does not use torture.

Also we have anti-terrorist squads on stand-by 24/7 to deal with any immediate threat.

Bombs are extremely hard to smuggle into Britain, and even if you get a bomb in the chances of MI5 picking up on it are very high, which is why terrorist have largely avoided targeting Britain.

We fight terrorists with everything we have got, however we don't resort to torture and acts that make us just as bad as the terrorist we are fighting.

Bin Laden was a criminal who was a mass murderer, however the IPCC ordered his indictment and ordered that he stand trial for mass murder. The USA assassinated him, and so went over the boundary of the IPCC ruling. Therefore showing it's contempt for the IPCC and other nations who worked together to brign him to justice.


England is arguable one of the best defended places in the World, more secure than America due to our gun regulations.

England does not use torture.

Also we have anti-terrorist squads on stand-by 24/7 to deal with any immediate threat.

Bombs are extremely hard to smuggle into Britain, and even if you get a bomb in the chances of MI5 picking up on it are very high, which is why terrorist have largely avoided targeting Britain.

We fight terrorists with everything we have got, however we don't resort to torture and acts that make us just as bad as the terrorist we are fighting.

Bin Laden was a criminal who was a mass murderer, however the IPCC ordered his indictment and ordered that he stand trial for mass murder. The USA assassinated him, and so went over the boundary of the IPCC ruling. Therefore showing it's contempt for the IPCC and other nations who worked together to brign him to justice.

First off, my situation was hypothetical, thus making your "We are defended" argument useless. IF they did succeed, what would England do?

England doesnt use torture? Read my link.

And, as for the IPCC. The US forces that killed him, went to do an extraction, not assassination. It was when the low-life grabbed a weapon and a woman as his shield and attacked us, we fired back.


All the evidence points to the fact that Osama Bin Laden was unarmed and the woman ran at the Marines out of her own free will.


What evidence? Provide proof of your claim, as I heard mine on the news and could most likely find a source when I want to (perhaps once i finish my episode)


What evidence? Provide proof of your claim, as I heard mine on the news and could most likely find a source when I want to (perhaps once i finish my episode)

Special Investigations which covered the attack. (2 hour documentary analyzing everything).


Any links to this? If there is enough evidence for a documentary, surely you can find something online.


Any links to this? If there is enough evidence for a documentary, surely you can find something online.

Watch the Documentary :)

Try trying in Special Investigations Bin Laded Assassination into Bing.


Guest not going to watch a 2 hour documentary because you cant find a link...

Perhaps we should discontinue this specific argument...considering its getting very close to conspiracy and "he said, she said"


Guest not going to watch a 2 hour documentary because you cant find a link...

Perhaps we should discontinue this specific argument...considering its getting very close to conspiracy and "he said, she said"

Damn thought there was a slim chance you might.

That would've been hilarious.

P.S It's actually pretty good.


lol...I hardly find documentaries interesting...

although I am liking that Ancient Aliens thing on history channel...its really good. Probably most of it is BS...but still interesting.


lol...I hardly find documentaries interesting...

although I am liking that Ancient Aliens thing on history channel...its really good. Probably most of it is BS...but still interesting.

It's not really a documentary.

It's basically a reconstruction of what happened.


Ancient Aliens or your documentary(lol)?

Errrrr, my informative film.

Btw a film comes out in October 2012 which has inside information leaked by the White House :p Will be an interesting watch.
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