Is the USA the 'best country' in the World?

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I doubt any video will bring it back to life.

We need an interesting, controversial, new, and easily understandable topic to get this place back up again.


I honestly dont understand how you believe China would win. Quality ALWAYS beats quantity.

Chinas navy and airforce are pathetic compared to ours. That alone gives us incredible advantage.

And dont hate on me for quoting a source. It appears, and still does, to be reliable.

I honestly dont understand how you believe China would win. Quality ALWAYS beats quantity.

Quality ALWAYS beats quantity.
Quality ALWAYS beats quantity.

You realize that nearly every war in the history of forever contradicts this, right?


loving how you claim things without ANY sources. Then you have the nerve to insult me... :rolleyes:


Dude just choose any war in the history of mankind, and I'm sure it is very likely that the side with the larger number of men with weapons won. That is my source.


Dude just choose any war in the history of mankind, and I'm sure it is very likely that the side with the larger number of men with weapons won. That is my source.

Any successful revolution in history is a case that contradicts what you are saying. They are the result of a minority defeating a majority. Just sayin.


Any successful revolution in history is a case that contradicts what you are saying. They are the result of a minority defeating a majority. Just sayin.
What the hell are you on about? Revolutions are led by the people, who always outnumber the government.. (or any other suppressors)


OK, lets put this into a prime example.

1 jetfighter. 300 fighter biplanes.

I'd put every penny I had on the jet.

1 destroyer vs ∞ early spanish galleons

I'd go all in on the destroyer


Yes, thats a bit of an exaggeration.

But, we have yet to actually see a war with significant outnumberings vs a significant minority, with the minority extremely well skilled.


Then, we must see what type of victory it is.

If you mean victory of whoever killed more men per person, quality will ALWAYS beat quantity. (the one I meant)

If you mean who won the actual battle, Then other variables must be included (defensive positioning, travel time, supplies, etc.)


Since the comment was mainly directed at the hypothetical war between china and USA, I'll reconnect back there.

IFchina and the US were to declare war, this is what would happen imo:

US- USA and allies ; China- China and allies

1. Both Navies engage in pacific
2. Allies of both countries choose their sides, and either join in, send supplies, or send letters of encouragement
3. China begins to get the airforce ready
4. USA begins to bomb china
5. China's airforce pales in comparison, USA has air superiority
6. Pacific Navy battles begin to slow down, as china's navy begins to dwindle. USA has water superiority
7. Constant bombings of china (much like what germany did to england)
8. China calls in the US debt, entire world economy fails
9. Last moments of stable country, the US and China duke it out. US airforce pushes China military to breaking point.
10. China, in a last ditch attempt, goes to nuclear warfare.
11. US responds in kind.
12. nuclear warfare doesn't work out so well
13. Eventually the US takes capital, overthrows government officials, and establishes a new government
14. US occupies China until stable
15. Entire world economy fails
16. riots in almost every country
17. Some countries topple under pressure
18. UN assembles to try and fix it
19. UN fails
20. New world as we know it

The US would win the war ONLY because of superior airforce and navy, but I do believe that even if we did win the backlash for be incredible.

One word: Korea.

Actually, Korea/Vietnam was only lost because of 2 reasons:

1. Lack of support
2. Korea/Vietnam had incredible defensive position (ESPECIALLY vietnam. (Thanks for helping my point)
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Pebble, the difference in technology between you guys and China is not Jets -> Biplanes. They have jets too, and they have way more of them than you. Perhaps yours are of better quality, but regardless theirs still go Mach 2 and carry bombs just like yours. They also have a decent navy and an incredible number of foot troops.

Long story short, you wouldn't have a chance.

P.s. They build your military stuff for you anyway, so they know all the ins and outs of your tech. When they stop supplying, you'll have a allocate a factory pretty damn fast otherwise you're not getting any replacements for your stuff when it gets lost in battle.

P.s.s. When WB mentioned Korea, I think he meant how strong they seem to be yet how small they are. Don't why he mentioned that but I think you may have misunderstood him. :p Might be wrong on that though.


Pebble, the difference in technology between you guys and China is not Jets -> Biplanes.

That comment wasn't directed at China, but was an example for my point that quality beats quantity. :rolleyes:

They have jets too, and they have way more of them than you.

LOL...LOLOLOL...ROFL...LMAO...ROFLMAO...*insert infinite laughing acronyms*

^ They disagree

Long story short, you wouldn't have a chance.

Largest Navy and Airforce = WIN. Especially considering their army isn't to terribly bigger.

P.s. They build your military stuff for you anyway, so they know all the ins and outs of your tech. When they stop supplying, you'll have a allocate a factory pretty damn fast otherwise you're not getting any replacements for your stuff when it gets lost in battle.

Interesting point. I find it interesting that we would hand over blue prints to our tech. Very interesting :|

Any source for your claim that china makes our tech?


You do realize our air-force and navy is one of the highest quality, which was said (or implied).

And also, when two sides are of equal quality (as I assume would be Kanga's next comment/argument), then quantity wins, by common sense.

If you have 50 tanks vs 100 tanks of the same type, the 100 will win. In that case, quantity matters.

So, please think next time you want to call someone else out on contradicting himself.


The links you provided are not evidence whatsoever... EHow, Wiki Answers, Yahoo Answers? Not sure about the first link though, I'll look into it.

Edit: That first link was interesting, but certainly not proof. It barely gave any info whatsoever, and although it did say that the U.S. air-force was the strongest, it's also a rather old list, dating to a bit before the big economy slump.

Now please read a report on parts (both dodgy and good) being made in China. This was published by the DailyMail, which is a very trusty source for news related issues. Here
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The links you provided are not evidence whatsoever... EHow, Wiki Answers, Yahoo Answers? Not sure about the first link though, I'll look into it.

Edit: That first link was interesting, but certainly not proof. It barely gave any info whatsoever, and although it did say that the U.S. air-force was the strongest, it's also a rather old list, dating to a bit before the big economy slump.

Now please read a report on parts (both dodgy and good) being made in China. This was published by the DailyMail, which is a very trusty source for news related issues. Here

read it, but how is that any more reliable than his sources? It seems even more unreliable, and less heard of than his sources. Also, it says nothing about any other countries, and their faults, only exploits a notice by the USAF of minor electronic problems also, in which is an outdated article.

Also, quoting some of apebble's sources, and I have found this in other places as well, the USA supplies most of China, the republic of China, and other NATO nation's air force, and military equipment.

EDIT- Anyway, the USA can easily take down any 10 countries in the world if needed, although we would not under most any circumstances because of the massive loss of civilian (innocent) lives. Though, if we had to, all we would have to do is drop a few nukes on most major cities, and we would have da war in da bag


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Right this is my final post in this thread as you guys make my head hurt and, apparently, convincing a midden it's nothing more than a lot of turds stacked on top of eachother is impossible.

Have fun with your military guys, have fun with the 90% of war machines that wont even be used, ever. Have fun with spending at least 10 times too much on the military. I hope you're proud that you spend almost 5% of your GDP on your military, cuz boy, is it awesome!
Have fun with the NDAA. Have fun with the amusement industry basically owning all your media. Have fun watching comedy central, which broadcasts the best news station in the us, which is kind of ironic. Have fun with a government way too heavily influenced by religion, which makes a large part of it racist, homophobic and ignorant of science, which is scary! Have fun with polluting the earth more than all the European Union member states together. Have fun without universal healthcare. Have fun with being the most obese country in the world (physically and in terms of your arrogance)
I wish you the best of luck with your warped view of the universe of which America is the centre. Is it the worst place to live? No, probably not, but it sure as hell is not the best place to live either.

Meanwhile I'll be living here in Europe, and as it stands now I would not want to change that.


So i'm English but have recently come back after spending 3 months in Vermont.

I do feel like America has alot of faults, such as paying for health care, politicxal parties getting massive advertising funds, any old person being able to own a gun and as Aicy said earlier the fact that every american thinks that it is great because they are a "free" country...

Now despite these issues and a ton more i'm sure (i'm not going to spend all day on this), i do believe that America or atleast the North/East of it is a great place to be, where i was staying the scenery was beautiful and the weather was near perfect. The people were friendly apart from a few drugged up hicks etc. The education on there seems great, i must admit when i went out there i was under the impression that Americans weren't the brightest bunch however my opinion soon changed.

And so to sum up i'm not sure if it's the best place in the world but i would certainly put it in the top 5?


Have fun with your military guys, have fun with the 90% of war machines that wont even be used, ever. Have fun with spending at least 10 times too much on the military. I hope you're proud that you spend almost 5% of your GDP on your military, cuz boy, is it awesome!

Have fun with the NDAA.

Aren't these the same thing? Repetitiveness doesn't prove points.... And much of the spending goes towards research and testing to make our soldiers safer. We like to make sure our way of life is well protected. And we try to keep our worldwide Ideological Imperialism freight train rolling. Not to mention we share this technology with our allies in.... ahem..... Europe..... Just sayin.

Have fun with the amusement industry basically owning all your media.

If you are referring to Disney, you are incorrect.
Have fun watching comedy central, which broadcasts the best news station in the us, which is kind of ironic.

If you are referring to "The Daily Show", you're a moron.

Have fun with a government way too heavily influenced by religion, which makes a large part of it racist, homophobic and ignorant of science, which is scary!

85% of the US population is Christian, so if policies are created for the people by the people, doesn't it make sense that they may be slightly bias? As far as racist and homophobic, you're off base. Our Constitution is a constant work in progress. There is just as much racism and homophobia in Europe. And Ignorant of Science? really? Who leads the world in medical science? Space Exploration? and Renewable Energy research?
Have fun without universal healthcare.

Wrong again.... It's called The Affordable Care Act or to Conservatives "ObamaCare"
Have fun with being the most obese country in the world (physically and in terms of your arrogance)

Sorry if we have a more diverse menu than just potatoes, cabbage, beer and wine. ( my arrogance speaking here, lol)
Meanwhile I'll be living here in Europe, and as it stands now I would not want to change that.

Hey that's cool, and when you have a natural disaster, starvation or some unruly dictator who wants to rain on your parade. We'll be here to send help free of charge....;)

P.S. Kudos Phears, I was born and raised in the NE and still live here today. It is a wonderful place to live.
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