Pebble's Daily Quote


Not all brilliance nor all stupidity is or can be seen at first glance. Judgement based upon brief encounters is, at best, a personal vice and, at worst, a societal disservice. ~Pebble


Archon Corinth's Daily Quote.... with pics :D


The finality of some choices is often misjudged. Never underestimate the ability to either reverse or alleviate the effects of an action. ~Pebble

Simplicity, in spite of its own name, is quite complex to achieve. ~Pebble

Making an issue complex is often the only means to simplifying it. ~Pebble

War instead of diplomacy is a lot like using a hammer to drive a screw. It eventually gets the job done, but oft makes a mess of things. ~Pebble

So many people become trapped within their own minds, living their entire lives under the same perspective never daring to go beyond. ~Pebble

I often imagine what it would be like to not be able to imagine. ~Pebble

Yesterday never truly ends. ~Pebble

Tomorrow is society's new today. ~Pebble

One of the greatest tragedy's is when one's aptitude is disjunct from desire. ~Pebble

Murder destroys the soul. Adultery, the family. And greed? Greed tears down nations. ~Pebble

Possession supersedes relation. ~Pebble


Day 73, September 16 (2015): The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply. ~Unknown


Day 73, September 16 (2015): The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply. ~Unknown

How true. People respond and are have no idea what they were told.


At least he didn't put himself as the person who said it.

Plagiarism: the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

Archon seems to fail at the most basic interpretations of definitions. Too bad. I hear that's important in being a successful human being.


At least he didn't put himself as the person who said it.

Don't encourage him figgy. Don't you realise that he has delusions of adequacy? :D

Why - it was only just the other day when I caught him at this :p
poor guy :D